Not only is smoking marijuana a risk to the person, but also every other human being around them therefore, Marijuana should not be legalized. All over the country, there are teenagers and adults that smoke marijuana for recreational purposes. Smoking marijuana has become so common recently, ...
Free Essay: Why Marijuana Should Not Be Legalized in the United States Introduction: I wish you could have seen my friend Ali; the most intelligent guy I’ve...
As California attorney general, an office she was elected to in 2010, Harrisopposedallowing marijuana to be sold for recreational use. Marijuana wasn't legalized for recreational use in California until 2016. Harris' views on marijuana as U.S. senator As a U.S. senator able to shape law in...
(Whitbread). There are many different views today on whether or not marijuana should be legalized. Many people support the idea of medicinal marijuana, the legalization of marijuana for chronically ill people. Others feel that legalizing marijuana will lead to the use of other "harder" drugs, ...
Marijuana Should Not Be LegalizedShould Marijuana Be Legalized
Marijuanashould be legalized. 大麻应当合法化. 期刊摘选 Now wait, you're saying your owners were drinking and smokingmarijuanabefore they wrecked. 等一下, 你是说在出事前你的主人们有的在喝水,有的在吸大麻. 期刊摘选 He was busted for havingmarijuana. ...
I feel that marijuana should not be legalized. It would become more readily accessible and you must consider the consequences of this. Firstly,there would be the effects of a nation that is high. People would be driving down the road high as a kite. Would you want to be driving next to...
Most clinicians who responded to aMedscape Medical Newspollsaid medical and recreational marijuana should be legalized in the United States. The poll, which was posted May 9, was taken in light of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer's (D-NY) then-impending legislation to decriminalize marijuana...
There are partisan differences too. Most Democrats and independents think marijuana use should be legal, while most Republicans do not. Support among independents for legalized marijuana use has risen seven points since last year. There is even greater support for allowing doctors to prescribe small...
A growing majority of Americans believe that recreational marijuana should be legal. ACBS News/YouGovpoll released in April 2022 found that two-thirds of Americans want recreational marijuana use to be legalized under federal law and in their own state. A previousPew Research Centersurvey found ...