Marijuana Should Not Be LegalizedShould Marijuana Be Legalized
Reasons Why Marijuana Should not be Legalized There currently exists controversy concerning smoking marijuana as a medicine. Many well-intentioned leaders and members of the public have been misled, by the well financed and organized pro-drug legalization lobby, into believing there is merit to their...
According to a Pew Research survey, 88% of Americans believe the use of marijuana should be legalized. This is almost unchanged from the last survey a year ago.5 In 2023, it was estimated that 54 million U.S. adults will consume cannabis at least once in the year, both in legal and ...
Why Marijuana Should Not Be Legalized The streets of North America are awash with drugs for unhappiness and pain. One must not look far within our society to see there is a subculture that exists, predominantly among our youth, that embraces the use of narcotics. This social acceptance of dru...
Should marijuana become legal on the national level, marijuana companies would be free to list their stocks on all U.S. exchanges, thereby enhancingliquidityand opening up access to many more investors. The cannabis space would likely appeal to investors interested in new and fast-growing industrie...
Should marijuana use be legal? Here is the debate club's take:
Marijuana should be legalized in the United Statesadam webb
The American Medical Association has tended to agree with Dr Carmona that marijuana should not be legalized. In 2013, it passed a resolution stating that marijuana is a dangerous drug and a threat to public health. But the resolution also urged leniency for users, adding that "public health ba...
ABC News Medical Contributor and Pediatrician Dr. Alok Patel on what parents should look out for if their kids get their hands on edibles. 2 years ago Dangers of unregulated cannabis edibles Across the nation there are growing calls to regulate cannabis edibles. A lab has found edibles with...
Pet owners should understand the legalities of using CBD for their pets and know the potential health benefits and safety considerations. What is CBD? CBD stands for cannabidiol. It is a substance found in hemp plants. Unlike THC, CBD does not make you feel high. Many people use it to ...