The legalization of Marijuana has been an ongoing issue for many years that has lead to much controversy. Not only is smoking marijuana a risk to the person, but also every other human being around them therefore, Marijuana should not be legalized. All over the country, there are teenagers ...
Should medical marijuana be legal in Utah? If it was legalized in Utah, there would be lots of negative things that would happen. Education and learning could be affected immensely. Injuries and even death could occur when using this drug. Environmental damage could occur. Marijuana can be ...
This ambitious policy was also an unexpected one: none of the usual explanations for legalization of marijuana in other contexts was present in the Uruguayan case. This paper offers an explanation for why Uruguay legalized marijuana. Drawing on Kingdon's theoretical approach, we argue that a ...
Whether you support the legalization of marijuana or not, most parents can get behind the idea that children and teens should not be using any marijuana products. For one thing, it is illegal for people under 21 to use marijuana, even in states that have legalized the recreational use of ...
I feel that marijuana should not be legalized. It would become more readily accessible and you must consider the consequences of this. Firstly,there would be the effects of a nation that is high. People would be driving down the road high as a kite. Would you want to be driving next to...
Argument 2: Marijuana is a gateway drug. If it’s legalized, there will be a spike in the use of much more dangerous drugs. A 2015 study found that about 45% of lifelong marijuana users took some other illegal drug at some point. Legalizing marijuana could reinforce this trend: as more...
Marijuana was given the Schedule I categorization in 1970 which carries serious penalties for possession, use, and/or sale in states that still haven’t legalized cannabis, though there iscurrently a big push by the Department of Health and Human Services as well as NORML for the DEA to resch...
Do you think that cannabis should be legalized for fiber use? For medical use? For recreational use? What are the medical benefits of using marijuana versus the risks? What are the effects of marijuana on the brain and body? Why is weed good for your body? What are some of...
It's now conceivable that marijuana could be legalized throughout more of the U.S., so we sought answers about who would profit from the end of its prohibition
Whether parents should be licensed before they can have kids? Whether it is morally permissible to eat meat? Whether recreational marijuana should be legalized? What is the meaning of life? Would it surprise you to know that philosophers have answers toallthese questions and to nearly any other...