Managing mood swings that show up in the perimenopause/menopause transition can feel like you've been given the assignment of staying seated in a roller coaster without a cross bar, while putting on a happy face and not looking terrified! It's challenging, to say the least. Women have descr...
Karin Hulon: Perimenopause is the time leading up to menopause. It’s those years when we’re aging, and our hormones are declining; basically, our estrogen and progesterone levels are in chaos. This is the time when women start having irregular periods, hot flashes, night sweats, mood ...
During menopause, some women can feel overwhelmed and even depressed if mood swings and intense hunger disrupt day-to-day life. Menstrual Mood Swings The exact causes of menstrual mood swings are not well understood, but they may be connected to chemical changes in the brain and hormone fluctu...
Managing menopauseThe article offers tips for managing menopause developed by the Jean Hailes Foundation for Women's Health and Guardian Pharmacies. The symptoms of menopause include mood swings, hot flushes and reduced sex drives. Women are encouraged to give up smoking...
The menopause is part of the natural cycle of life and is a time of change experienced by all women to the next phase of life, unlike say period problems or pregnancy. Every woman’s experience is different, but the average age range is between 40-55 and
I’m at a point in my life where hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings and yes, a fussy bladder have become a fact of life. A quick search over atWebMdbore this out: During and after the process of menopause, levels of the female hormoneestrogendrop significantly. In addition to cont...