ManagerialEconomicsandOrganizationalArchitecture,6e Answersto“AnalyzingManagerialDecisions”DiscussionQuestions ByJimBrickley,CliffSmith,andJerryZimmerman 1 ©2016byMcGraw-HillEducation.Thisisproprietarymaterialsolelyforauthorizedinstructoruse.NotauthorizedforsaleordistributioninThisdocumentmaynotbecopied,scanned,duplicated,...
The relationship between investment in various business activities and firm performance has been a subject of extensive research in the field of business management and economics (e.g., Nguyen and Kim 2019; McKenzie and Woodruff 2017; Porto and de Abreu 2019). When a firm invests in various ...
Alan J. Auerbach, in Handbook of Public Economics, 2002 1.1 What is financial policy? In the simplest terms, financial policy relates to two key choices that firms make: (1) how much of their capital structure to support by debt, rather than equity; and (2) how much of their earnings ...
None of the exposition of the Managerial Technology perspective has relied on any “Behavioral economics”, in the sense of non-optimizing agents. Ofcourse, one potential explanation for the non adoption of seemingly profitable HRM practices could be behaviorally based. One line of the literature fo...
We investigate how bank-affiliated VCs (BVCs) change their investment strategy in fintech startups relative to independent VCs (IVCs) after the global fina
摘要:As a discipline, finance largely emerged from economics, and in terms of incorporating ideas, - knowledge and theories from disciplines outside of finance, economics remains a key source of interdisciplinary knowledge. One of the first finance research strands to incorporate knowledge from discipl...
skilled in areas relevant to public and private sector development operations. These areas include economics, finance and political risk insurance in emerging markets, education, health, social sciences, infrastructure development, engineering, urban planning, agriculture, natural resource management and ...
c. managerial accountant d. chief executive officer Accounting Records: The accounting records are the documents used for preparing the financial statements. These records are prepared in compliance with the relevant accounting principles and standa...
Journal of Financial Economics (2013) A.Edmans Does the stock market fully value intangibles? Employee satisfaction and equity prices’ Journal of Financial Economics (2011) A.Edmanset al. Executive compensation: A survey of theory and evidence ...
this process, the tools of behavioral economics can be utilized (Thaler and Sunstein2008), and positive perceptions and attitudes about entrepreneurship (normative) can be created in the media at the national level.Last, in terms of the cognitive-cultural dimension, higher education institutions must...