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2021. Accounting for financial stability: bank disclosure and loss recognition in the financial crisis. Journal of Financial Economics 141(3):1188–1217. Article Google Scholar Bischof, Jannis, Philipp Dörrenberg, Davud Rostam-Afschar, Dirk Simons, and Johannes Voget. 2024a. The German ...
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbankfin.2022.106710 Article Google Scholar Gallini NT (2002) The economics of patents: lessons from recent US patent reform. J Econ Perspect 16(2):131–54. https://doi.org/10.1257/0895330027292 Article Google Scholar Garcia R, Calantone R (2002) A critical ...
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this process, the tools of behavioral economics can be utilized (Thaler and Sunstein2008), and positive perceptions and attitudes about entrepreneurship (normative) can be created in the media at the national level.Last, in terms of the cognitive-cultural dimension, higher education institutions must...
We investigate how bank-affiliated VCs (BVCs) change their investment strategy in fintech startups relative to independent VCs (IVCs) after the global fina