Cumulative prospect theory has emerged as a fundamental framework in the fields of behavioral economics and psychology due to its ability to offer a more intricate and authentic portrayal of human decision-making, influencing our comprehension of risk attitudes and preferences across a wide range of ...
ManagerialEconomicsandOrganizationalArchitecture,6e Answersto“AnalyzingManagerialDecisions”DiscussionQuestions ByJimBrickley,CliffSmith,andJerryZimmerman 1 ©2016byMcGraw-HillEducation.Thisisproprietarymaterialsolelyforauthorizedinstructoruse.NotauthorizedforsaleordistributioninThisdocumentmaynotbecopied,scanned,duplicated,...
this process, the tools of behavioral economics can be utilized (Thaler and Sunstein2008), and positive perceptions and attitudes about entrepreneurship (normative) can be created in the media at the national level.Last, in terms of the cognitive-cultural dimension, higher education institutions must...
Previous studies have, nevertheless, posited that women are not a homogeneous group. This has led to an analysis of the socio-contextual factors that may shed light on what mechanisms explain female leadership in firms (Chadwick and Dawson2018; Hoobler et al.2018). Taking this context—and fro...
We investigate how bank-affiliated VCs (BVCs) change their investment strategy in fintech startups relative to independent VCs (IVCs) after the global fina
change and still survive in the long term, especially when threatened with poor performance. Specifically, we are interested in the question,How does family ownership influence the relationship between poor past economic performance and strategic change?
Also, the role played by family intangibles in reducing information asymmetries can lead to an increase in bank debt based on the value of these assets as collateral, as well as an increase in non-bank leverage, by meeting the demand for comprehensive business information. The significance of ...
This article proposes management styles to small business owner-managers based on the two most important approaches to managerial work. The managerial work
(Arijs et al.2018; Binz-Astrachan et al.2018). The question then arises as to whether the family firms’ character is positively perceived. As Lude and Prügl (2018) indicate, although an increasing number of family firms explicitly advertise that they are a “family business,” many ...
but also broaden the applicability of this concept in strategic management field. We hope that we could also dispel the concerns of Augier and Teece (2007), who criticize the less received attention to the Penrose’s emphasis on fungible resources either in the economics or in the strategic man...