这种表也被称作Internal Table.这是Hive中的默认的类型.如果你在创建表的时候没有指明Managed或者External,那么默认就会给你创建Managed Table. Managed Table的数据,会存放在HDFS中的特定的位置中,通常是/user/hduser/hive/warehouse.当然,也不一定,看你的Hive的配置文件中是如何配置的. 我们可以使用下面的命令来创建...
Managed Table :这种表也被称作Internal Table.这是Hive中的默认的类型。如果你在创建表的时候没有指明Managed或者External,那么默认就会给你创建Managed Table.Managed Table的数据,会存放在HDFS特定的位置中,通常是/user/uduser/hive/warhouse.当然,也不一定,看你的Hive的配置文件中是如何配置的。内部表是先在hive...
Spark provides many options for how to store data in managed tables, such as TEXT, CSV, JSON, JDBC, PARQUET, ORC, HIVE, DELTA, and LIBSVM. These files are normally stored in the warehouse directory where managed table data is stored. External tables Spark also provides ways to cre...
Notice: you can also copy the schema(but the data) of an existing table: 7. hive> create table if not exists mydb.employees > like employees; 8. hive> use default; hive> show tables in mydb; employees 9. hive> use mydb; hive> show tables 'empl.*'; Notice: if you only want ...
Using spark.catalog.listtables("<db_name>") to list out all the tables from database then filter out only the managed tables and execute show create table on the list of managed tables.. Using Hive metastore db: Hive stores all the table information in metastore like mysql..etc y...
1、hive create external table 0: jdbc:hive2://bdip83.gisquest.com:10000> create external table external_table ( id bigint, name string ) stored as orc; 0: jdbc:hive2://bdip83.gisquest.com:10000> insert into external_table values ('1','beyonds'); 0: jdbc:hive2://bdip83.gis...
GreenplumTableDataset HBaseAuthenticationType HBaseLinkedService HBaseObjectDataset HBaseSource HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption HDInsightHiveActivity HDInsightLinkedService HDInsightMapReduceActivity HDInsightOnDemandLinkedService HDInsightPigActivity HDInsightSparkActivity HDInsightStreamingActivity...
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTaskWhat does exception means.After dropping the table and re-create the table in external type. it worked successfully.hive> use testsb;OKTime taken: 0.032 secondshive> msck repair table XXX_bk1;...
GreenplumTableDataset HBaseAuthenticationType HBaseLinkedService HBaseObjectDataset HBaseSource HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption HDInsightHiveActivity HDInsightLinkedService HDInsightMapReduceActivity HDInsightOnDemandLinkedService HDInsightPigActivity HDInsightSparkActivity HDInsightStreamingActivity Hdf...
GreenplumTableDataset HBaseAuthenticationType HBaseLinkedService HBaseObjectDataset HBaseSource HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption HDInsightHiveActivity HDInsightLinkedService HDInsightMapReduceActivity HDInsightOnDemandLinkedService HDInsightPigActivity HDInsightSparkActivity HDInsightStreamingActivity HdfsLinke...