①未被external修饰的是内部表[managed table],被external修饰的是外部表[external table]; ②内部表由hive管理,外部表由hdfs管理; ③内部表数据存储在hive.metastore.warehose.dir[默认user/hive/warehouse],外部表数据存储位置由用户自己决定;(如果没有LOCATION,Hive将在HDFS上的/user/hive/warehouse文件夹下以外部...
Internal table are like normal database table where data can be stored and queried on. On dropping these tables the data stored in them also gets deleted and data is lost forever. So one should be careful while using internal tables as one drop command can destroy the whole data. Open new...
这种表也被称作Internal Table.这是Hive中的默认的类型.如果你在创建表的时候没有指明Managed或者External,那么默认就会给你创建Managed Table. Managed Table的数据,会存放在HDFS中的特定的位置中,通常是/user/hduser/hive/warehouse.当然,也不一定,看你的Hive的配置文件中是如何配置的. 我们可以使用下面的命令来创建...
Create an INTERNAL table in Hive and point it to the directory with the bacon.txt file: CREATE INTERNAL TABLE internal1 (col1 string) LOCATION '/user/demo/food'; Oops... that failed because INTERNAL isn't a keyword, the absence of EXTERNAL makes it a managed, or internal, table. FAILE...
HIVE: create table 与 create external table 区别 内部表与外部表的不同 创建外部表需要添加 external 字段。而内部表不需要。 删除外部表时,HDFS中的数据文件不会一起被删除。而删除内部表时,表数据及HDFS中的数据文件都会被删除。
Regardless of the Internal and external table, Hive manages the table definition and its partition information in Hive Metastore. Dropping an internal table deletes the table metadata from Metastore and also removes all its data/files from HDFS. ...
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS external_table_name; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. **说明**:以上代码中,`external_table_name`是要删除的外部表的名称。 这样,你就成功地实现了“hive表生命周期 EXTERNAL TABLE”的操作。通过以上步骤,你可以管理外部表的生命周期,方便地创建、加载数据和删除外部表。
external table:外部表, 与table类似,不过其数据存放位置可以在任意指定路径 普通表: 删除表后, hdfs...
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE employees ( id INT, name STRING, department STRING ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION '/user/hive/warehouse/employees/'; The query maps to the CSV file and applies its data as if it were an internal Hive table. ...
[hive 的外部表 external table ] hive> show databases; 查看数据库 hive> use myhive; 进入myhive 数据库 hive>show tables; 查看有哪些表 hive>dfs -ls /; 查看hdfs 文件系统下根目录的目录及文件; hive>dfs ...