当Unity 构建游戏或应用程序时,它可以从项目中使用的托管动态链接库中剥离未使用的代码。剥离代码可以使生成的可执行文件显著减小,但有时可能会错误地删除实际在使用的代码。ManagedStrippingLevel 枚举定义了一些选项,因此可以指定 Unity 删除未使用的代码时应采取的激进程度。
Unity 2018.3之后,新的“Managed Stripping Level”选项将替换 player settings 中原有的“Stripping Level”选项。 这个新的选项可用于所有平台以及Mono和IL2CPP脚本运行时。而这个功能的主要目的则是通过删除一些未使用的代码来减小应用程序的大小。 嗯,听起来不错,但这里存在一个潜在的副作用,即Unity如何知道哪些代码...
而选择IL2CPP脚本运行时的时候,“Managed code stripping”的“Disabled”选项将不可用。 这意味着当我们选择IL2CPP脚本运行时的结果就是无法关闭代码剔除。 要注意的第二件事是代码剔除流水线本身。 Unity的Build Pipeline会使用一个称为UnityLinker的工具来剔除托管代码。该过程的工作方式是定义root assemblies,然后使用...
Sets the managed code stripping level for specified build target. During the build process, Unity strips unused code from your project's managed and dynamically linked libraries. Stripping code results in a much smaller executable but can remove code you'd like to use. The ManagedStrippingLevel ...
看Unity2018中,PlayerSettings.strippingLevel标注为不可用,建议使用Get/SetManagedStrippingLevel,相应的枚举定义也修改了。 Unity4.7中StrippingLevel Disabled StripAssemblies StripByteCode UseMicroMSCorlib Unity2018中ManagedStrippingLevel Disabled Low Medium High 求问,StrippingLevel和ManagedStrippingLevel之间有没有什么...
The Player crashes when there are unused fields in SerializeReference and the Managed Stripping Level is set to "Medium" or "High"- Dec 10, 2024 How to reproduce 1. Open the “IN-90708-StrippingBug.zip“ project 2. Open the “SampleScene“ ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the project inside of "case_1133182-PlayableDirector.zip" which resides inside an ownCloud directory 2. ...
When using managed stripping level with omnicept the default behavior will strip the code for the glia dlls on your project to avoid this we can create a link.xml file on the assets folder that <linker> <assembly fullname="NetMQ" preserve="all"/>
‘precisely because he has reinstated Russia’s traditional model of government: an autocratic state in which citizens are relieved of their responsibilities for politics and in which imaginary foreign enemies are invoked to forge an artificial unity’. Such bleak thoughts, at the other end of the...
Managed code stripping works by statically analyzing the code in a Project to detect classes, members of classes, and even portions of functions that can never be reached during execution. You can control how aggressive Unity prunes unreachable code with the Managed Stripping Level setting on the ...