S.: Deoxyribonucleic acid values in dividing and non-dividing cells of male and female larvae of the honey bee. Nature (Lond.) 210 , 264–266 (1966).Mittwoch, U., Kalmus, H., and Webster, W. S. (1966). Deoxyribo- nucleic acid values in dividing and non-dividing cells of male ...
Female egg laying rate (a) and number of sperm ejaculated by males (b) were both highly sensitive to increases and decreases in temperature. Female (c: egg mass) and male (d: sperm viability) gamete quality were generally more resistant to temperature change. Hatching success (e), which is...
Propolis, also referred to as bee glue, is a sticky resinous substance created by honeybees through the combination of their waxes and plant resins13. Historically, propolis extracts have been a staple in folk medicine due to their potent antioxidant properties and diverse biological effects includin...
Female social insects represent a dramatic exception of the evolutionarily conserved physiological trade-off between reproduction and life span, where aging is positively correlated with reproduction. However, whether this facet of life history also pertains to male social insects, remains largely unknown....
the so-called beewolves (comprising (Philanthus+Trachypus) +Philanthinus,withTrachypusmost probably being a subgenus ofPhilanthus[32,33]). The members of the subfamily largely share basic life-history characters, in particular with regard to female nesting behavior (e.g. [34–40]) and male...
In most primitively eusocial species, such as sweat bees, bumblebees, and paper wasps, colonies do, in fact, have only one primary reproductive female, and even if workers are capable of occasionally laying eggs, the workers have not mated, so their offspring are all males. (See the ...
Male vs Female Crickets With more than 900 species currently occurring on the Earth, crickets pose a significant interest about them. They are much similar to the appearance of the grasshoppers with laterally fattened bodies. Crickets are harmless creatures to humans but not for their prey species...
Tctraappears to regulate both germ cell and soma sex determination and maintenance, the differences observed could be due to the temporal differences in development of structures studied. Similar case of female-specific regulation of germline and soma, byfeminizer, has been reported in honey bees26...
japonicus. The proleg of male (A) and female (B) are sexual dimorphism, in that the prolegs of males are equipped with large suction cups (C) absented in females, and bear specialized adhesive setae on their ventral side. Each spatula seta, labeled with the rectangle, is shown at ...
(whiteflies), even if they are the only hosts available. When a virgin female does deposit haploidmale eggsin a primary host (whiteflies), these eggs usually do not develop, for unknown reasons. An unusual population ofE. pergandiellawas found in which males could develop on the primary ...