These differences in theoccurrence of female and male learning flights seem to match thediverse needs of the two sexes to learn about disparate, ecologicallyrelevant places in their surroundings. 展开 关键词: Eusocial insect Bee Spatial learning Sex-specific behaviour Navigation Foraging ...
However, the extent to which bumblebee populations show a male-biased sex allocation cannot be explained by cost differences between male and female production alone. In a recent paper, A. F. G. Bourke argued that male-biased investment ratios in bumblebee populations are a by-product of the...
After the worker bee is about 3 weeks old, its main job will be foraging for food, including nectar and pollen. Worker bees can fly over a mile away from the hive for a food source. The second type of bee in a typical honey bee colony are drones. Drones are male bees hatched from...
Who doesn’t love delicious, sweet honey? Learn more about honey bees and how they produce the honey we enjoy! First, bees have a super important role aspollinators for flowering plants. Bees transfer pollen between the male and female parts of a flower, which helps plants to grow seeds ...
Internal fertilization requires live sperm to be transferred from male to female before egg fertilization. Both males and females assist the insemination process by providing sperm with glandular secretions, which have been inferred to contain subsets of proteins that maintain sperm viability. Here we ...
male parent : Definition, Usages, News and MoreSearch Words Search Browse You can search or browse for words male parent n a male parent (also used as a term of address to your father) Synonym(s) father begetter Antonym(s) mother female_parent...
Female bees had large hairy hind tibiae with conspicuous scopae, and nearly 90% of the pollen grains they collected went onto the hind legs. Male bees removed less pollen from anthers than female bees but deposited more pollen on stigmas per visit. The higher pollen transfer efficiency of ...
We hypothesized that the female uses male thorax vibrations and size as signs of male viability and male odor for kin discrimination and assessment of genetic relatedness. We therefore compared males that had been accepted by a female for copulation with those rejected, in terms of their size, ...
Remarkably, QMP applied to female Drosophila does induce worker-like qualities [Camiletti et al. (Entomol Exp Appl 147:262, 2013 )], and we here extend this comparison to examine the effects of bee pheromone on male fruit flies. We find that male Drosophila melanogaster consistently orient ...
we mean the feeling or sense of oneself as being female, male, a blend of both, or neither [26,28]. Thus, sex and gender interact but are different [28]. To aid clarity and precision, throughout the article we use male and female when referring to sex, and boy, girl, and terms ...