Exposure to stresses such as heat, cold and pesticides can have a greater negative impact on drones (males) compared to worker (female) honeybees, studies have shown.New research has come to light showing male honeybees are more vulnerable to the effects of extreme t...
In honeybees, it boils down to whether a particular chromosomal location has the same version of a gene (called homozy- gous) or two different versions (heterozy- gous). Honeybees that have two different versions of the sex determination locus (SDL) develop female traits. Those that have...
ScienceDaily: Top Environment News: The weaker sex: Male honey bees more susceptible than females to widespread intestinal parasite
The objective of the present study was to evaluate seed-set on four male-sterile, female-fertile soybean lines by using alfalfa leafcutting bees (Megachile rotundata(F.)) and honey bees (Apis mellifera(L.)) as pollinators. Seed-set was evaluated in summers 2003 and 2005 near Ames, Iowa,...
some reptiles and in the silkworm Bombyx mori; in Drosophila 4A/XX and XO prevails; the signaling sex lethal–transformer–doublesex cascade in (some) insects; the diploid–haploid female–male determining system of honey bees; temperature-dependent sex determination in some insect and other species...
Tctraappears to regulate both germ cell and soma sex determination and maintenance, the differences observed could be due to the temporal differences in development of structures studied. Similar case of female-specific regulation of germline and soma, byfeminizer, has been reported in honey bees26...
it is particularly interesting to study immune challenges resulting from parasitic infections in eusocial insect males. Empirical work has confirmed that immune responses of social insect males are consistently lower than those of female workers e.g. in leaf cutter ants13, wood ants14or bumblebees...
In addition to the quantity of the marking secretion, its composition likely plays a decisive role for male attractiveness. InP. triangulum, the composition of the males’ marking secretion has presumably been influenced by a female sensory bias [53–55]. FemaleP. triangulumuse (Z)-11-eicosen...
Honey bees Aging Drones Immunity Viral infections Fertility Trade-off 1. Introduction Trade-offs among life-history traits are commonplace. Many fitness-related traits are interconnected both genetically and physiologically. As a result, increasing the fitness value of one trait can often lead to a ...
Propolis, also referred to as bee glue, is a sticky resinous substance created by honeybees through the combination of their waxes and plant resins13. Historically, propolis extracts have been a staple in folk medicine due to their potent antioxidant properties and diverse biological effects includin...