_maintex_texelsize在urphlsl的写法 _maintex_texelsize在urphlsl的写法在Urho3D引擎的HLSL着色器中,_maintex_texelsize 通常是指纹理的 texel 尺寸。在着色器中,你可以使用这个值来进行一些基于 texel 尺寸的计算,比如采样时的偏移等。下面是一个简单的例子,展示了在Urho3D的HLSL着色器中如何使用 _maintex_texelsize...
_MainTex_TexelSize 存放了贴图大小的数据,有4个值,分别是:1/width, 1/height, width, height 我们直接在shader中读就可以,Unity内部会帮我们初始化好
_MainTex_TexelSize is set by magic sauce in the darkness of Unity's source code. It follows the dimensions of the _MainTex sampler and has these contents: Vector4(1 / width, 1 / height, width, height) https://forum.unity3d.com/threads/_maintex_texelsize-whats-the-meaning.110278/ Texture...
_MainTex_TexelSize is set by magic sauce in the darkness of Unity's source code. It follows the dimensions of the _MainTex sampler and has these contents: Vector4(1 / width, 1 / height, width, height) https://forum.unity3d.com/threads/_maintex_texelsize-whats-the-meaning.110278/ Texture...
简介:uniform float4 _MainTex_TexelSize where is the value of the float4 _MainTexelSize from? It's set by the application if it's present in the shader... uniform float4 _MainTex_TexelSize where is the value of the float4 _MainTexelSize from?