Background: Macrophage differentiation is accompanied by expression of unique extracellular matrix molecules. Results: Monocyte-to-macrophage transition involves selective expression of serglycin, TSG-6, hyaluronan, and versican and the formation of inter-伪-trypsin inhibitor and amyloid-like precursor ...
Dendritic cells derived from monocytes in the presence of sLAG-3 showed impaired antigen-presentation function, as assessed by the reduced capability to induc 展开 关键词: cell differentiation dendritic cell MHC Class II monocytes DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2567.2004.02087.x ...
surfacereceptorsanddifferentiationantigens, haveshownthatthereissubstantialheterogeneityof phenotype,whichmostprobablyreflectsthespecial- izationofindividualmacrophagepopulationswithin theirmicroenvironments.Althoughitisclearthat monocytesareprecursorsofbothmacrophageandDC lineages,thisdevelopmentanddifferentiationpathway isstill...
OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to examine RU 486 and related compounds on monocyte to macrophage differentiation through scavenger receptors and cellular adhesion. STUDY DESIGN: Human monocytes were isolated, cultured, and treated with dexamethasone, levonorgestrel, RU 486, and other structurally related compo...
Monocyte/macrophage differentiation in dermatomyositis and polymyositis. Muscle Nerve. 2004;30(2):225-30.Rostasy, K. M., M. Piepkorn, H. H. Goebel, S. Menck, F. Hanefeld, and W. J. Schulz-Schaeffer. 2004. Monocyte/macrophage differentiation in derma- tomyositis and polymyositis. Muscle ...
tuberculosis Secretory Protein ESAT-6 Induces Metabolic Flux Perturbations to Drive Foamy Macrophage Differentiation Varshneya Singh1, Charanpreet Kaur2, Vijay K Chaudhary2, Kanury V. S Rao3 & Samrat Chatterjee1 The Foamy Macrophage (FM) differentiation forms a major component of ...
A small percentage of tissue resident macrophages originate from bone marrow progenitor cells. During the repair phase, M2 macrophages predominate and can originate from in situ proliferation, differentiation from infiltrating monocytes, or phenotype switch from M1 macrophages. Which of the 3 processes ...
differentiation, we treated bone marrow-derived monocytes with GM-CSF and M-CSF, respectively. Similar to the case of M1-M2 polarization, the size of the M1-like nucleus was found to be significantly smaller than that of the M2-like nucleus over the course of differentiation (Supplementary ...
The addition of either 1,25-(OH)2D3 or one of the two fluorinated analogues of 1,25-(OH)2D3 at concentrations as low as 10(-9) M to culture plates containing normal human marrow cells stimulated myeloid stem cells to preferentially differentiate to colonies of monocytes and macrophages. ...
Macrophages are immune cells differentiated from monocytes. They are found in all stages of AS and associated with the production of inflammatory mediators [8]. In response to environmental stimuli, macrophages can be activated into several subtypes involved in different functional features, including ...