Macrocytosis in alcohol-related liver disease: its value for screening. Clin Lab Haematol. 1981; Vol 3: 35-44.Morgan M. Camilo M. Luck S. & Hoffbrand D. Macrocytosis in alcohol-related liver disease: its value for screening. Clin LabHaemat 1981; 3:35-44....
Pernicious anemia. The expected findings of very low serum cobalamin levels, anemia, and macrocytosis are often lacking Correlation of folate deficiency with alcoholism and associated macrocytosis, anemia, and liver disease. Macrocytosis of chronic alcoholism. ...
Correlation of Folate Deficiency with Alcoholism and Associated Macrocytosis, Anemia, and Liver Disease Examines the incidence of folate deficiency in patients with chronic alcoholism. Equations of regression; Mean corpuscular volume; Quality of diet....
alcohol excess • liver disease • reticulocytosis (e.g. due to haemolysis) • hypothyroidism • some haematological disorders (e.g. aplastic anaemia, myelodysplasia, pure red cell aplasia, multiple myeloma) • drugs (e.g. hydroxycarbamide, azathioprine) ...
Alcoholism Hypothyroidism Macrocytosis may also be the side effect of some medications prescribed to treat cancer, seizures, or autoimmune disorders. If you lose a lot of blood because of an accident or injury, your bone marrow may produce more red blood cells to address the problem. Bone...
Prevalence of folate deficiency and macrocytosis in patients with and without alcohol-related illness. (1998) Prevalence of folate deficiency and macrocytosis in patients with and without alcohol-related illness. Southern Medical Journal 91, 721-725... OV Fernando,EW Grimsley - 《Southern Medical ...
V.: Macrocytosis in alcohol-related liver dis-ease: Its value for screening. Clin. Lab. Haematol . 3 :35–44, 1981.Morgan MY, Camilo ME, Luck W, Sherlock S, Hoffbrand AV. Macrocy- tosis in alcohol-related liver disease: its value for screening. Clin Lab Haematol 1981;3:35-44....
(1974) Macrocytosis of chronic alcoholism. Lancet, i, 829-830.Wu A, Chanarin I, Levi AJ. Macrocytosis of chronic alcoholism. Lan- cet 1974;1:829-831.Wu A, Chanarin I, Levi AJ. (1974) Macrocytosis of chronic al- coholism. Lancet 4: 829-831....
Elevated adduct levels have been found from the erythrocytes of alcohol abusers, which may also be associated with ethanol-induced effects in haematopoiesis and adverse consequences in cellular functions.NiemeläEPOnniEPParkkilaEPSeppoEPEBSCO_AspAddiction BiologyNiemela¨ O, Parkkila S (2004) Alcoholic...
Range of their daily alcohol consumption; Percentage of the alcohol-dependent women who had either hyperprolactinemia or macrocytosis; Study methods; Results; Substance abuse disorders as the most prevalent of all psychiatric disorders in the US; More.Teoh...