Macrocytosis is a useful diagnostic indicator of alcoholism. MCV values > 100 fl in patients with liver disease almost invariably indicate alcohol-related disease. In the short-term, changes in MCV are of little use in monitoring alcohol intake....
and in such patients the MCV can be used as a surrogate marker for monitoring excessive alcohol consumption. A full-blown megaloblastic anaemia can also occur in people who use alcohol to excess; this is due to a toxic effect of alcohol on erythropoiesis and/or to dietary folate deficiency. ...
In the short‐term, changes in MCV are of little use in monitoring alcohol intake.MARSHA Y. MORGANDepartments of Medicine and Haematology, Royal Free Hospital, Pond Street, Hampstead, London NW3 2QGM.E. CAMILODepartments of Medicine and Haematology, Royal Free Hospital, Pond Street, Hampstead,...
It is important, therefore, to thoroughly review medication and alcohol use, and consider liver or thyroid disease, gastric or ileal resection and malabsorptive syndromes.Blood film examination may lead to the exclusion of factitious causes and focus further investigation, allowing appropriate therapy ...
Alcohol use was categorized as no alcohol use, 1 U of alcohol per month to 1 U/wk, >1 U/wk to 7 U of alcohol per week, >1 U/d to 3 U of alcohol per day, or > 3 U of alcohol per day. Details of the Lifelines cohort and PREVEND study regarding clinical examination, ...