In addition to alcohol abuse,macrocytosisis observed in megaloblastic anemia, commonly caused by vitamin B12and folate deficiency. Vitamin B12deficiency alone may not cause megaloblastic anemia. In megaloblastic anemia, erythrogenic precursors are larger than mature red blood cells because folate and vita...
Although alcohol abuse is known to cause a wide array of adverse effects on blood cell formation, the molecular mechanisms by which alcohol exerts its toxic actions have remained poorly defined. Elevated mean corpuscular volume (MCV), macrocytosis, is the most typical morphological abnormality ...
Blood count and hematologic morphology in nonanemic macrocytosis: differences between alcohol abuse and pernicious anemia. Alcohol. 1993;10:343.Seppa¨ K, Sillanaukee P, Saarni M (1993) Blood count and hematologic morphology in nonanemic macrocytosis: differences between alcohol abuse and pernicious...
Range of their daily alcohol consumption; Percentage of the alcohol-dependent women who had either hyperprolactinemia or macrocytosis; Study methods; Results; Substance abuse disorders as the most prevalent of all psychiatric disorders in the US; More.Teoh...