一、在statusBarItem弹出Popover statusBar弹出menu是比较简单的,但是如果我们要做一些定制,就需要用到Popover了 创建Popover 在AppDelegate文件中,声明一个NSPopover变量(下面的statusBarItem之后会用到) varpopover:NSPopover!varstatusBarItem:NSStatusItem! 随后,在applicationDidFinishLaunching中, ContentView 初始化之后,...
Menu Bar Spacing运行后就只有一个滑块的界面,当前系统默认的菜单栏间距是 16。你可以根据你自己的喜好进行间距设置,滑动滑块即可,数字越小代表间距越小,图标之间更紧凑,数字越大代表间距越大,图标之间更宽敞。 需要注意的是,滑动滑块后不会需要你的确认,会直接生效。而生效时会自动退出当前菜单栏上有图标的软件并...
Crypto Bar - macOS menu bar application built with Electron. Float coin - Native menu bar app with floating window and support for many Exchanges. Database Bdash - Simple SQL Client for lightweight data analysis. Beekeeper Studio - SQL editor and manager with support for SQLite, MySQL, ...
Bitwarden in the macOS menu bar macosswiftpassword-managermacos-menubarbitwardenswiftui UpdatedMar 3, 2022 Swift f-person/timeow-mac Sponsor Star58 Code Issues Pull requests macOS menubar app that displays how long you've been actively using your computer. It is configurable, and keeps track of ...
colors, make the Colors window wider.Assign a color profile: Click the Color Sliders button, then choose a slider (such as CMYK Sliders) from the pop-up menu. If necessary, adjust the colors by using the sliders or entering values. Then click the colored box next to the pop-up menu ...
"Menu bar extras" are the tiny icons that appear on the right side of the menu bar, providing users with convenient access to app-specific controls. These icons could become overlapped by the notch on the new MacBook Pro models, causing the icons to be hidden or only partially visible, ...
Remove and Rearrange Menu Bar Icons on macOS 10.14 Way 1: Use Command-Drag to Remove/Rearrange The first way to remove and rearrange macOS 10.14 menu bar icons is the use of command-drag. There are some icons by the right of the menu bar such as battery life left, time and Wi-Fi an...
下面是创建带有复选标记的macOS菜单项的示例。"change“从未被打印出来,并且在那里设置的断点永远不会被击中。importSwiftUIstruct ViewMenuCommands: 浏览0提问于2022-04-04得票数 2 回答已采纳 5回答 如何在SwiftUI中禁用“显示选项卡”菜单选项 、、 我在MacOS上用SwiftUI创建了一个非常简单的应用程序。默认情况...
Old Menu Bar是一款简单的 macOS 应用,它能够为最新的 macOS Big Sur 系统找回曾经经典的菜单栏阴影效果。@Appinn 来自发现频道,@HsiangHo同学的自荐: Old Menu Bar 没啥好说的,挺喜欢老系统中的菜单栏阴影,更新到 Big Sur 就没有了,然后干脆就写了个,我知道应该有人需要吧!
The menu bar at the top of the screen displays the active app’s menus. Identify relevant actions in your own app, and craft menus that reflect how people interact with your content. The Dock offers convenient access to apps, documents, windows, and folders. Add a custom Dock menu t...