Bartender 5 是Mac 平台上最知名的「菜单栏图标管理」辅助工具,可以实现一键隐藏/显示顶部菜单栏图标,能帮你把应用图标管理得井井有条,并让菜单栏回归最初,给你带来应有的效率。对于喜欢整洁干净的同学来说,这绝对是必备的软件! Bartender 官网:访问(提供 28 天试用,支持在 Setapp 上使用)Bartender 代理商优惠:...
一、在statusBarItem弹出Popover 二、更改Popover背景色 三、在statusBar上控制主窗口的开关 四、在statusBar上控制statusBar的显隐/开关 一、在statusBarItem弹出Popover statusBar弹出menu是比较简单的,但是如果我们要做一些定制,就需要用到Popover了 创建Popover 在AppDelegate文件中,声明一个NSPopover变量(下面的statusB...
macOS system monitor in your menu bar Installation Manual You can download the latest versionhere. This will download a file calledStats.dmg. Open it and move the app to the application folder. Homebrew To install it using Homebrew, open the Terminal app and type: ...
In this menu bar app tutorial, you’ll build a menu bar app that shows inspirational quotes in a popover. While you do this, you’ll learn: How to create a menu bar icon How to make the app live exclusively in the menu bar How to add a menu for the user How to make a popover...
Intro In this post, I’ll give you a quick rundown of how to create a Menu Bar Extra for your macOS app. The Apple Dev Center docs explain all of this, but it took me a little while to piece it all together, so here’s a single document with the whole ..
如果有 Alfred 用它就可以,单独的话,收费的 Paste,免费的 ClipMenu 都不错。经常会有剪贴东西一会儿要用,然后用的时候发现剪贴板被覆盖掉的情况。有个剪贴板历史会很方便。 7)给 Evernote 等 app 的 "Paste and Match Style" 直接设置成 Command + V。那个默认粘贴是带格式的,烦死。 指导思想就是: 操作...
Operating Systems Mac OS X The only icon I have that's not BW! Looks related to this issue: #3791 Noticing this on most recent version of 1.x branch.
Or use the System Preferences > Sharing menu.If enabling sshd, be sure to disable password authentication and consider further hardening your configuration. See drduh/config/sshd_config for recommended options.Confirm whether sshd is running:
Check your Mac model.Click on the Apple menu on the top left of your screen, then select “About This Mac”. You’ll see your model specifications. For example, I’m on a 15-inch 2017 model (as seen in the screenshot above). ...
SwiftBar Add custom menu bar programs on macOS in three easy steps: Write a shell script Add it to SwiftBar ... there is no 3rd step! You can get plugins from awesomeBitBar repository, or in SwiftBar itself using theGet item. ...