Menu Bar Spacing运行后就只有一个滑块的界面,当前系统默认的菜单栏间距是 16。你可以根据你自己的喜好进行间距设置,滑动滑块即可,数字越小代表间距越小,图标之间更紧凑,数字越大代表间距越大,图标之间更宽敞。 需要注意的是,滑动滑块后不会需要你的确认,会直接生效。而生效时会自动退出当前菜单栏上有图标的软件并...
Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ 0.7.3 - 修复:macOS Menu Bar图标在同步关闭状态下被裁切、颜色错误 0.7.2 - 修复:服务端产生大量图片文件 - 修复:macOS Menu Bar图标被裁切(#78 - 修复:macOS Menu...
Bitwarden in the macOS menu bar macosswiftpassword-managermacos-menubarbitwardenswiftui UpdatedMar 3, 2022 Swift f-person/timeow-mac Sponsor Star59 Code Issues Pull requests macOS menubar app that displays how long you've been actively using your computer. It is configurable, and keeps track of ...
The first way to remove and rearrange macOS 10.14 menu bar icons is the use of command-drag. There are some icons by the right of the menu bar such as battery life left, time and Wi-Fi and Bluetooth indicators. You can head to System Preferences and change the settings for the panel ...
使用 Multi-Touch Bar macOS Sierra: Use colors in documents In most macOS apps, you can use the Colors window (or use the color controls in the Touch Bar) to change the color of text and objects in documents. You can also assign a color profile to a document, to ensure the colors you...
下面是创建带有复选标记的macOS菜单项的示例。"change“从未被打印出来,并且在那里设置的断点永远不会被击中。importSwiftUIstruct ViewMenuCommands: 浏览0提问于2022-04-04得票数 2 回答已采纳 5回答 如何在SwiftUI中禁用“显示选项卡”菜单选项 、、 我在MacOS上用SwiftUI创建了一个非常简单的应用程序。默认情况...
Old Menu Bar是一款简单的 macOS 应用,它能够为最新的 macOS Big Sur 系统找回曾经经典的菜单栏阴影效果。@Appinn 来自发现频道,@HsiangHo同学的自荐: Old Menu Bar 没啥好说的,挺喜欢老系统中的菜单栏阴影,更新到 Big Sur 就没有了,然后干脆就写了个,我知道应该有人需要吧!
Pembaruan September 2023 (16.77) adalah build terakhir yang mendukung macOS Big Sur. Pembaruan Oktober 2022 (16.66) adalah build terakhir yang mendukung macOS Catalina 10.15. Pelajari selengkapnya tentang rilis macOS terbaru. Bagaimana jika saya tidak memper...
You can find OneDrive up in your Menu bar. You’ll have a cloud icon for every account you’ve connected to OneDrive. So you’ll have one cloud if you’re only syncing a work or school account, one cloud if you’re syncing only a personal account, or two clouds if you’re syncin...
I have tried reinstalling the app and clearing settings with "defaults delete". No change. I don't see anything relevant in~/Library/Group Containers/ ...