这是因为3.2最终删除了3.0中不推荐的功能。 因此,如果您想使用#Version330着色器,那么您的代码应该如下所示: glutInitContextVersion(3,2); glutInitContextFlags(GLUT_CORE_PROFILE); 显然X11在OS X上不支持高于2.1的OpenGL。因此,我建议你切换到GLFW。~阅读全文~人机检测~...
void QOpenGLWidget::initializeGL(){this->initializeOpenGLFunctions();// ...}复制代码 shader报错:version '330' is not supported 这里的报错问题其实是和OpenGL的版本有关系,每个OpenGL版本之间是存在差异的。正因为存在不同的OpenGL版本,所以shader里面才有了 #version 330 core 解决办法: #include QSurfaceFor...
詳細はわからないですが、コードの冒頭で指定するGLSLのバージョンを上げるとコンパイルが通るようになります。 ちなみに#version 150(= version 1.5)でも一応コンパイル通りますが、次のワークアラウンドがversion 3.3以上が必要なのでこうしてます。 shader.vs -#version140+#version330invec3i...
But before cleaning the drive, my computer was having issues which is why I clean and installed a new fresh version. I was force to install photoshop CS5 again and, I get some errors after closing the program. I also notice that It doesn't let me instal the patches I previously ...
MacBook Pro 10.13.6 crashes everything my MacBook Pro just started crashing safari, messages, Dropbox, and any other application I am running. When the crash system report pops up, that crashes too? What the heck is going on? Currently scanning for viruses and haven’t found any. 3 ye...
__GLSLBUILTINS 5176K 2 __LINKEDIT 228.1M 56 __TEXT 332.6M 385 __UNICODE 560K 2 mapped file 94.3M 57 shared memory 776K 18 === === === TOTAL 1.6G 1430 TOTAL, minus reserved VM space 1.3G 1430 Model: MacPro6,1, BootRO...
OpenGL GLSL 128K Stack 67.6M VM_ALLOCATE 103.5M __DATA 42.3M __GLSLBUILTINS 2588K __IMAGE 528K __IMPORT 8K __LINKEDIT 46.9M __OBJC 2256K __TEXT 169.0M __UNICODE 544K mapped file 141.1M shared memory 68K === === TOTAL 1.4G Reply User profile for user: Linc Davis Linc Davis...
BTW: Seems like just can not compile shader by using\n#version 330 compatibility\nin/ofxFurry/src/glsl.cpp, and I have check my OpenGL Extensions Viewer: I am new for OpenGL & GLSL progamming, is there any way to fix this for Mac OS ?
OpenGL ES _ 入门_01 OpenGL ES _ 入门_02 OpenGL ES _ 入门_03 OpenGL ES _ 入门_04 ...
I am running on Mac and experiencing previously reported problems. I initially had a problem building the project, but fixed it by making a change to PEG.pri in QtnProperty: -peg.commands = $$PEG_TOOL ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} +peg.commands = DYL...