int luaH_next (lua_State *L, Table *t, StkId key) { int i = findindex(L, t, key); /* find original element */ for (i++; i < t->sizearray; i++) { /* try first array part */ if (!ttisnil(&t->array[i])) { /* a non-nil value? */ setnvalue(key, cast_num(...
if (lua_ntable >= MAXSYMBOL-1) { lua_error ("symbol table overflow"); return -1; } s_name(lua_ntable) = strdup(s); if (s_name(lua_ntable) == NULL) { lua_error ("not enough memory"); return -1; } s_tag(lua_ntable++) = T_NIL; return (lua_ntable-1); } 1. 2....
Every value in Lua can have ametatable. Thismetatableis an ordinary Lua table that defines the behavior of the original value under certain events. You can change several aspects of the behavior of a value by setting specific fields in its metatable. For instance, when a non-numeric value is...
functionDo(a, b)returna+b,a-b,a*b,a/bend-- 多返回值可以使用表来承接localargs = {Do(1,2)}forkey, valueinpairs(args)doprint(key,value)end table的索引是从1开始的。 表中数据插入 localt = {"ping_guo","xiang_jiao"}-- 向表t中添加字符串 "ju_zi"table.insert(t,"ju_zi")-- 插...
范型for 遍历迭代子函数返回的每一个值。 再看一个遍历表 key 的例子: – print all keys of table ‘t’ for k in pairs(t) do print(k) end 函数 多返回值 函数多值返回的特殊函数 unpack,接受一个数组作为输入参数,返回数组的所有元 素。unpack 被用来实现范型调用机制,在 C 语言中可以使用函数指针...
The Lua module is actually loaded by the first Nginx request handler and is cached by the require() built-in in the package.loaded table for later reference, and the module() builtin used by some Lua modules has the side effect of setting a global variable to the loaded module table. ...
A non-nil Redis "multi-bulk reply" results in a Lua table holding all the composing values (if any). If any of the composing value is a valid redis error value, then it will be a two element table {false, err}.A nil multi-bulk reply returns in a ngx.null value....
table: 0x7ff07f500bc0 > demp[1].color nil > demp.color black > demp[num] nil > demp["num"] 2 > demp[3][x] stdin:1: attempt to index a nil value (field '?') stack traceback: stdin:1: in main chunk [C]: in ?
voidluaH_setint(lua_State*L,Table*t,lua_Integerkey,TValue*value){// 1. 先取值constTValue*p=luaH_getint(t,key);TValue*cell;// 2. 不为nil对象即是取到,保存在cell变量。if(p!=luaO_nilobject)cell=cast(TValue*,p);else{// 3. 初始化一个TValue的key,然后调用luaH_newkey新建一个key...
"=" .. escape(v)) end return table.concat(b, "&") end t = { name = "al", query = "a+b = c", q = "yes or no" } print(encode(t)) --[[ 制表符展开 lua中的() 表示捕获模式在目标字符串中的位置,该位置是数值 ]] print(string.match("hello", "()ll()")) -- 匹配字符...