lua支持的类型有以下几种:nil、boolean、 number、string、userdata、function、thread 和 table。使用type函数可以用来测试变量的类型,如: t = 10 print(type(t)) -- number t = "hello world" print(type(t)) -- string t = type print(type(t)) -- function t = nil print(type(t)) -- nil t...
*/typedef struct TString{CommonHeader;lu_byte extra;/* reserved words for short strings; "has hash" for longs */lu_byte shrlen;/* length for short strings */unsigned int hash;union{size_t lnglen;/* length for long strings */struct TString*hnext;/* linked list for hash table */}u...
此外,和__index一样,Lua也同样提供了避开元方法而直接操作当前table的函数rawset(table,key,value),其功能类似于rawget(table,key)。 3). 具有默认值的table:缺省情况下,table的字段默认值为nil。但是我们可以通过元表修改这个默认值,如: function setDefault(table,default) local mt = {__index = function() ...
-- gMyTable["name"] = "lucy" -- gMyTable["age"] = 18 -- gMyTable["sex"] = "woman" -- gMyTable[1] = "测试" --> 遍历表 -- for k,v in ipairs(gMyTable) do -- print(k,v) -- end --> 直接访问表内元素 -- print(gMyTable[1]) -- print(gMyTable["name"]) -- for ...
//check the signatureless version of the cheat table with this public key end; function canSignTables: boolean; var reg: tregistry; begin if _cansignstate=csUnknown then begin result:=FileExists(GetCEdir+'cansign.txt'); if result then _cansignstate:=csYes else _cansignstate:=csNo; exit...
function Shape:printArea() print("面积为 ",self.area) end 然后我们可以实现另一个table,来表示另一个类,设置这个新的类的元表为旧类的元表,我们就继承了旧类的函数。比如: Square = Shape:new() -- 派生类方法 new function Square:new(o,side) ...
("%v-->%v\", key, value)})}//TestUserData函数展示了传递参数可以用UserData封装,他可以减少拷贝,还可以自定义用户操作方法//每次调用lua函数传递一个userData,性能高func TestUserData() {l := lua.NewState()s := `--ctx是个userData function tableOp2(ctx) print(ctx.a) ctx.b=10 end`if err...
You should always initiate resty.redis objects in function local variables or in the ngx.ctx table. These places all have their own data copies for each request.Back to TOCInstallation - Build from source# Clone latest release , assuming v0.29 wget
-- 部门白名单配置_M.department_whitelist = {}function_M:check_user_access(user)iftype(self.department_whitelist) ~="table"thenngx.log(ngx.ERR,"department_whitelist is not a table")returnfalseendif#self.department_whitelist ==0thenreturntrueendlocaldepartment_ids = user["department_ids"]ifnotdep...
Fix: Dispose errors originating from LuaTable, LuaFunction, LuaUserData Fix: LuaInterface no longer disposes the state when passed one via the overloaded constructor Added: LoadString and LoadFile (submitted by Paul Moore) Added: Overloaded DoString Added: Lua debugging support (rostermeier) What's...