TIMEOUT0 FSM_LC_ TIMEOUT8 FSM_N_PROG0 FSM_START0 FSM_START8 0 DEB_STEP0 PD_SC_0 PD_SC_8 MLC_ MAG_S_0 MLC_ MAG_S_8 2.3 Sensor hub registers The table given below provides a list of the registers for the sensor hub functions available in the device and th...
The idea behind the machine learning core is to use the accelerometer, gyroscope and external sensor data (readable through the I²C master interface) to compute a set of statistical parameters selectable by the user (such as mean, variance, energy, peak, zero-crossing, and so on) in a ...
Both devices also feature a similar machine learning core as the previous inertial sensor, but whereas the LSM6DSOX had 256 nodes, the new models have 512. It uses eight configurable decision trees to process the information it captures and make certain deductions, such as throwing an interrupt ...
Machine Learning processing is obtained throughdecision-tree logic. A decision tree is a mathematical tool composed of a series of configurablenodes. Eachnodeis characterized by an“if-then-else”condition, where an input signal (represented by statistical parameters calculated from the sensor data) ...
The LSM6DSRX embeds a Machine Learning Core able to identify if a data pattern matches an activity in a user-defined set of classes, reducing power consumption and increasing performance of the sensor. The LSM6DSRX is available in a plastic land grid array (LGA) package. ...
This adapter is supported by the STEVAL-MKI109V3 motherboard with high performance 32-bit microcontroller functioning as a bridge between the sensor and a PC, on which it is possible to use the downloadable graphical user interface (Unico GUI), or dedicated...
This adapter is supported by the STEVAL-MKI109V3 motherboard with high performance 32-bit microcontroller functioning as a bridge between the sensor and a PC, on which it is possible to use the downloadable graphical user interface (Unico GUI), or dedicated software routines for customized appli...
This adapter is supported by the STEVAL-MKI109V3 and STEVAL-MKI109D evaluation platforms with a high-performance 32-bit microcontroller functioning as a bridge between the sensor and a PC, on which it is possible to use the downloadable MEMS Studio graphical user interface or dedicated software...