LSM6DSRX支持主流操作系统要求,可提供9 KB的真实、虚拟和批处理传感器用于动态数据批处理,FIFO压缩率可达三倍。 意法半导体的MEMS传感器模块系列具有稳健成熟的制造工艺,已经用于微机械加工的加速度计和陀螺仪产品。 LSM6DSRX的满量程加速度范围为±2/±4/±8/±16 g,角速率范围为±125/±250/±500/±1000/±...
AN5382 Application note LSM6DSRX: always-on 6-axis IMU (inertial measurement unit) with embedded machine learning core Introduction This document provides usage information and application hints related to ST's LSM6DSRX iNEMO 6-axis IMU (inertial measurement unit). The LSM6...
型号:LSM6DSRX 类型:TI/德州仪器 品牌:德州仪器 封装:- 状态:在售 技术手册:查看 立即询价 联系我们 电话:0755 82988826 手机:19166208396 Q Q:3628728973 邮箱 相似产品 CSD96497Q5MC VSON-CLIP|12 品牌:德州仪器 / TI/德州仪器
We are launching today two new inertial modules, theLSM6DSRXandISM330DHCX, with the former serving high-end consumer products, such asvirtual and augmented reality headwear, while the latter will fit in industrial applications. They are the newest additions to our smartestfamily of iNEMOmicroelec...
LSM6DSRX 品牌:ST 年份:2021 封装:VFLGA2.5X3X.86 14L P.5 L.475X.25 规格: 数量:5023 浏览次数:9次 上一个:下一个产品下一个:上一个产品 详细资料 规格参数 包装
Configuration files, examples and tools for the Machine Learning Core feature (MLC) available in STMicroelectronics MEMS sensors. Some examples of devices including MLC: LSM6DSOX, LSM6DSRX, ISM330DHCX, IIS2ICLX, LSM6DSO32X, ASM330LHHX, LSM6DSV16X, LIS2DU
AN5393 Application note LSM6DSRX: machine learning core Introduction This document provides information on the machine learning core feature available in the LSM6DSRX. The machine learning processing capability allows moving some algorithms from the application processor to the MEMS sensor, enabling ...
6-axis IMU (inertial measurement unit) with embedded machine learning core: always-on 3-axis accelerometer and 3-axis gyroscope Download datasheet Order Direct Product overview Description The LSM6DSRX is a system-in-package featuring a 3D digital accelerometer and a 3D digital gyroscope with an...
面向标准DIL24插座的LSM6DSRX适配器板 批量生产 储存到myST 面向标准DIL24插座的LSM6DSRX适配器板 Order Direct 产品概述 描述 所有功能 您可能还会喜欢... 描述 The STEVAL-MKI195V1 is an adapter board designed to facilitate the evaluation of MEMS devices in the ...