标准中断:自由落体、唤醒、6D/4D方向检测、单击和双击 嵌入式温度传感器 符合ECOPACK、RoHS和“绿色”要求 阅读更多阅读较少信息 精选 视频 查看全部 在IMU上利用机器学习内核进行活动识别 利用机器学习内核功能和功耗极低的解决方案优化活动识别。 观看视频 (07:15) 特别推荐...
AN5382 Application note LSM6DSRX: always-on 6-axis IMU (inertial measurement unit) with embedded machine learning core Introduction This document provides usage information and application hints related to ST's LSM6DSRX iNEMO 6-axis IMU (inertial measurement unit). The LSM6...
Active Save to myST 6-axis IMU (inertial measurement unit) with embedded machine learning core: always-on 3-axis accelerometer and 3-axis gyroscope Download datasheet Order Direct Product overview Description The LSM6DSRX is a system-in-package featuring a 3D digital accelerometer and a 3D digit...
The STEVAL-MKI195V1 is an adapter board designed to facilitate the evaluation of the LSM6DSRX 6-axis IMU (inertial measurement unit). The board offers an effective solution for fast system prototyping and device evaluation directly within the user’s own application. ...
在IMU上利用机器学习内核进行活动识别 利用机器学习内核功能和功耗极低的解决方案优化活动识别。 观看视频 (07:15) 特别推荐 高级内容 On-demand Webinar | Program decision trees in sensors with a Machine Learning Core 了解我们用于机器学习的MEMS传感器生态系统 从此处进入 提供免费的工具、案例研究和...