A novel room-temperature inductively coupled plasma chemical vapour deposition (ICP-CVD) technique has been developed, which yielded high-quality silicon nitride (SiN) films with a hydrogen content of less than 3 at. %. The chemical composition and bonding of the films were analysed by energy ...
The FTIR spectra of both the pure NH and isotopically substituted ND (<10% and >90% D) polycrystalline cytosine were recorded in the range 400–4000 cm 1 as a function of temperature (10–300 K). For the first time, uncoupled NH(D) stretching mode bands of amine and imine groups were...
We characterize the absorption and composition of our anneal-free deposited nitride using FTIR47,57(see Supplementary Section S2) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)73. XPS measurements (Fig.3a) show a 16 ± 1% nitrogen deficiency compared to commercial stoichiometric silicon nitride (see...
This work is focused on the synthesis and performance of Ni3(PO4)2-based catalysts doped with Cu, Co, Mn, Ce, Zr, and Mg for the complete oxidation of ethanol, aiming at reducing emissions from ethanol-blended gasoline. Nickel phosphate was prepared via the co-precipitation method, followed...
Theoretical characterization of an electro(photo)catalyst’s activity is mainly based on the free energy curves calculated within the standard hydrogen electrode model27,28. The overpotential or limiting potential (sometimes also defined as onset potential) is the key parameter for evaluating the activit...
They proposed that the “BNC drying reaction” takes place on two steps: evaporation of the surface water as a physical process depending on the temperature, humidity, and air velocity; then heat transfer and unbinding of internal water molecules because of the breakage of hydrogen bonds per ...
Moreover, it has been reported that the hot-wire CVD process can fabricate SiNx films at a low substrate temperature (∼100 °C) [22], However, few studies have investigated the hydrogen content and nitridation degree in detail in low-temperature film formation in hot-wire CVD. Show ...
Keywords:Aluminumhydroxidegel;Alhydrogel;Proteinconformation;Proteinsecondarystructure;FTIR;Hydrogen–deuteriumexchange Aluminumhydroxidegel(Alhydrogel)isoneofthealu- minum-containingadjuvantsapprovedbytheFoodand DrugAdministrationforuseinhumansandhasbeenfor- mulatedintovariousvaccineproductsforenhancing immunologicaleffec...
(PEM) fuel cell. Comprehensive physical and chemical characterizations of carbon blacks and Pt catalysts were performed using BET, FTIR, Raman spectroscopy, XRD, SEM, TEM, XPS (C 1s), ICP-MS, zeta potential, contact angle, and 3D topography analyses. The catalysts were characterized ...
Dehydrogenation generally occurs at 400 °C, so the annealing temperatures and time used here ensures the release of hydrogen. The reduction of H content was confirmed by the FTIR spectrum shown in Fig. 6b. The disappearance of the absorption peak of Si–H stretching vibration mode at ...