Sleep problems and regular leisure time physical activity (LTPA) are interrelated and have contrasting effects on risk of back pain. However, no studies have investigated the influence of long-term poor sleep quality on risk of back-related disability, or if LTPA modifies this association. The st...
Daytimesleepinessnotpartofnormalaging Long-TermCare Moreoftenself-reportsleepproblems Moresevereself-report Asleepatallhours,evenmealtimes Wakeandsleepfragmentation WakefullnessinterruptedbybriefsleepLeadstoextremesleep-wakedisruption Distributedacrosstheentireday Rarelyawakeorasleepforhours EffectsofPoorSleep Varietyof...
Reporting difficulty in maintaining sleep was also more frequent among those who left night work more than five years before data collection (OR=1.72). Conclusions: Evidence on long-term effects of night work on sleep contributes to the scientific debate on the impact of night work on health ...
our sleep, because it's higher in sugar; it's more stimulating." "Short term, you can get away with the negative influence of sleep deprivation of you," says Foster. "It's in the long term that things start to fall apart." He catalogues the ill effects: "Your cognitive performance....
Weekend recovery sleep had some benefits after a single week of lack of sleep. However, those gains were wiped out when people went back into their old schedule the nert Monday."T hese health effects are long-term," saidKenneth Wright at the University of Coloradoat Boulder, who oversaw ...
“Sleep apnoea is well known to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and other chronic conditions, but these findings are a wake-up call that poor sleep, in general, can pose a significant risk to heart health.” How does snoring affect long-term health?
Research reveals four key sleep patterns tied to health, stressing the importance of tailored interventions to enhance sleep quality and reduce chronic health risks. Poor sleep habits are strongly associated with long-term chronic health conditions, according to decades of research. To better understand...
Long-term effects of melatonin on quality of life and sleep in haemodialysis patients (Melody study): a randomized controlled trial. AimThe disturbed circadian rhythm in haemodialysis patients results in perturbed sleep. Short term melatonin supplementation has alleviated these sleep pro... M Russcher...
Poor sleep has been associated with risk of hypertension, but previous studies were limited by treating one or two sleep factors as predictor. Our previous study has developed a sleep factor questionnaire (SFQ) to comprehensively assess wide range of sleep characteristics including sleep duration, sle...
Several studies on long-term air pollution exposure and sleep have reported inconsistent results. Large-scale studies on short-term air pollution exposures and sleep have not been conducted. We investigated the associations of long- and short-term exposu