Some people have always had to find ways of living with long term conditions such as diabetes or coeliac disease, but as people live longer, increasing numbers of us now experience long-term poor health. While some conditions that previously limited the length of life are manageable a growing ...
Long-term ConditionsA summary text on the sociology of long-term conditions.Scambler, GNScambler, SJ
Fundamental Aspects of Long Term Conditions电子书 售价:¥186.29 0人正在读 |0人评论 9.8 作者:McVeigh, Helen 出 版 社:Andrews UK 出版时间:2016-05-23 字数:56.0万 所属分类:进口书>外文原版书>科技/医学 温馨提示:数字商品不支持退换货,不提供源文件,不支持导出打印 ...
Longtermconditions Communityfocus ImprovedHealthOutcomes CommissionerDevelopment WhitePaperCommitmentWholeSystemDemonstrators WSDswillexploretheexcitingpossibilitiesopenedupbytrulyintegratedhealthandsocialcareworkingsupportedbyadvancedassistivetechnologiessuchastelehealthandtelecare.Theobjectivesofthedemonstratorsareto:•Improvethe...
Longtermconditions Communityfocus ImprovedHealthOutcomes CommissionerDevelopment WhitePaperCommitmentWholeSystemDemonstrators WSDswillexploretheexcitingpossibilitiesopenedupbytrulyintegratedhealthandsocialcareworkingsupportedbyadvancedassistivetechnologiessuchastelehealthandtelecare.Theobjectivesofthedemonstratorsareto:•Improvethe...
Primary outcomes of interest were health outcomes as a result of the intervention and capacity to self-manage long-term conditions. We also considered patients' and providers' evaluation of the intervention, perceptions of safety, health service utilisation and costs, and potential harms or adverse ...
he social care sector needs to focus on gender-specific social and sexual needs when looking after men with debilitating long-term health conditions, a new study has found.
The PRISMS (Practical systematic Review of Self-Management Support for long term conditions) programme of rapid reviews of self-management support interventions has the over-arching aim of synthesising evidence to inform commissioners and providers of services for people with long-term conditions (LTCs...
DH Commissioning for People with Long Term Conditions …对于长期人DH调试条件…-精选文档 LongTermConditionsWholeSystemDemonstrators TimEllis WSDProgrammeManagerDepartmentofHealth CSIP-OutcomesfromTelecareandAdvancedAssistiveTechnology SessionAims ••••OverallcontextBackgroundtoWSDsLessonssofarNextsteps Stronge...