The chapter explores the study of the causes or origins of disease or long‐term conditions, defined as aetiology, of which genetics is just one aspect. Case studies are used as examples to examine the professional and care implications of nursing children, young people and their families whose...
Long-Term Compensationmeans, collectively,contingent performance shares,stock optionsandshare units. The dates on which such grants shall occur, thetypes of grants, and theterms and conditions applicable tosuch awards shall be determined bythe Committeein its discretionunderthe LTIP(or asuccessor plant...
The meaning of LONG-TERM is occurring over or involving a relatively long period of time. How to use long-term in a sentence.
Define Scripps Long Term Disability Income Plan. means the employee benefit plan of that name sponsored by the Company, including any amended, restated or successor version of that plan.
The meaning of THE LONG TERM is a long period of time after the beginning of something. How to use the long term in a sentence.
Long-term definition: covering a relatively long period of time. See examples of LONG-TERM used in a sentence.
"Long term" refers to the extended period of time that an asset is held. Depending on the type of security, a long-term asset can be held for one year or many years.
In the long-term perspective, being it reconstructed series or climate change projection, it is not always clear whether a single (stationary) reference period can be considered for identification of below-average conditions since often the mean as well as other characteristics like variability of ...
a long-term lease. maturing over or after a relatively long period of time: a long-term loan; a long-term bond. (of a capital gain or loss) derived from the sale or exchange of an asset held for more than a specified time, as six months or one year. ...
A long-term incentive plan (LTIP) is a company policy that rewards employees for reaching specific goals that lead to increased shareholder value. In a typical LTIP, the employee, usually an executive, must fulfill various conditions or requirements. In some forms of LTIPs, recipients receive...