NHS Seeks Innovations To Treat Long-term ConditionsSmart Solutions for Healthcare
Our multi-morbidity digital health platform is a population-scale solution for the long-term conditions that have the most impact on patients, clinicians, and healthcare providers. We enable healthcare providers to scale and meet the needs of patientswithout the need for investmentin staff, multipl...
nhs; long term plan Tag:nhs; long term plan NHS to offer epilepsy patients brain laser therapy byFleur Jeffries|Oct 24, 2022|News|0 The launch of the laser is part of the NHS’s Long Term Plan commitment Read More Gov’t reveals new strategy to improve support and care for autistic ...
As the population ages, more people are suffering from long-term health conditions (LTCs). Health services around the world are exploring new ways of supporting people with LTCs and there is great interest in the use of telehealth: technologies such as t
As young people with long-term conditions move from childhood to adulthood, their health may deteriorate and their social participation may reduce. ‘Transition’ is the ‘process’ that addresses the medical, psychosocial and educational needs of young
Diabetes mellitus is a central driver of multiple long-term conditions (MLTCs), but population-based studies have not clearly characterized the burden across the life course. We estimated the age of onset, years of life spent and loss associated with diabetes-related MLTCs among 46 million Engli...
2、listsincrease capacitynhs & dh focus long term conditionscommunity focusimproved health outcomescommissioner developmentstronger voice for individuals & communitiesincreased support for self careservice users and carers have more say person-centred care planningintegrated health and social c 3、are service...
Department of Health: Supporting people with long term conditions: An NHS and Social Care Model to support local innovation and integration. 2005, London: Department of Health Google Scholar Department of Health: The NHS Improvement Plan: Putting People at the Heart of Public Services. London. ...
Long-term condition NHS: National Health Service NIHR: National Institute for Health Research PHQ-9: Patient Health Questionnaire QALY: Quality-adjusted life year RCT: Randomised controlled trial.References Department of Health: Raising the Profile of Long Term Conditions Care: a compendium of...
Individuals with multiple long-term conditions are two and a half times more likely to die following COVID-19 infection than others. When children were assessed separately, the risk for mortality among those with multiple long-term conditions increased t