Delete .idea files in from your project and restart intellij. When you run your application using Run As or Debug As Intellij will popup notification to enable Annotation processor, enable it and it works !!! -1 Balpe Emmanuel 创建于 2024年11月08日04:00 Running 2024.1.7 with a Maven...
an @Entity class, with lombok @Getter and @Setter (not @Data). I'm overriding equals and hashcode, must use getId() … intellij says it can't find it. If I remove @Getter and create my own getters, intellij complains about wanting to add @Getter but I prevent the compile...
同样包含一些属性,用法与@ToString、@Getter、@Setter包含的属性用法一致 @Data注解 大而全的注解,包含了四种注解@Getter、@Setter、@ToString、@EqualsAndHashCode 新建一个Product类 代码语言:javascript 复制 @DatapublicclassProduct{privateInteger productId;privateString productName;privateDouble productPrice;} 编译P...
The current IntelliJ IDEA 2024.3.2.2 version incorporates a fix that eliminates the need for explicit version addition in pom.xml. Nice! not working with the latest IntelliJ ID (IntelliJ IDEA 2024.3.2). It's not recognizing the methods when building the
IntelliJ IDEA 2020.3 Build #IU-203.5981.155 JDK: 11.0.9; VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM; Vendor: JetBrains s.r.o. OS: Mac OS X How can I change the version to 1.18.16? Sorry, something went wrong. Copy link Owner mplushnikovcommentedDec 2, 2020 ...
"Potential easy solution" (TM): Rename the lombok shaded ASM package, so other software does not fail. To Reproduce Trying to use ASM and lombok at the same time will fail when running Tests (using IntelliJ or Maven). As far as i can see everything is as described byhttps://projectlo...
Fixed #63 : Added support for @Tolerate (together with @Value, @Data) Fixed issue 109(on GoogleCode): Intellij freezes regularly when the lombok plugin is enabled Fixed issue 106(on GoogleCode): Static methods annotated with @Builder are not recognized Updated to lombok changes: canEqual (of ...
在idea中使用lombok的@Data标签,可以正常启动使用,但是package和compiler时报错,“符号找不到”,但是我不用lombok的@Data标签一切都是正常的。 错误截图:这里报错,就是因为这行引用了有@Data标签的domain对象。 尝试解决的方法:segmentFault中的回答和我这个问题应该类似,但是不能解决,他们的回答是:https://segment...
I'm trying to use Lombok in my project that I'm developing using IntelliJ IDEA 11. I've installed 3rd-party plugin for IDEA and it seems working fine because IDEA sees all autogenerated methods/fields. So I have a class that uses Slf4j. I annotated it like this import lo...
@Flogger @Data @Builder @Singular @Delegate @Value @Accessors @Wither @SneakyThrows from Intellij 14.1 @val from Intellij 15.0.2 @var from Intellij 14.1 @var from Intellij 2016.2 @UtilityClass Lombok config system Code inspections Refactoring actions (lombok and delombok) Change Notes 0.23 Fixed ...