在Run/Debug Configuration中修改Tomcat的VM options,在里面输入以下内容: -server -XX:PermSize=128M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m 修改位置如下图所示: PermSize和MaxPermSize 也不要设置得太大,会浪费物理内存。 来自为知笔记(Wiz)
Ctrl+Shift+N,可以快速打开文件 Alt+Q,可以看到当前方法的声明 Ctrl+P,可以显示参数信息 Ctrl+Shift+Insert,可以选择剪贴板内容并插入 Alt+Insert,可以生成构造器/Getter/Setter等 Ctrl+Alt+V,可以引入变量。例如:new String(); 自动导入变量定义 Ctrl+Alt+T,可以把代码包在一个块内,例如:try/catch Ctrl+Enter...
Why? Because the annotation profile for you project has changed the radio from Obtains processors from project classpath to Processor Path, and it writes in unknown-lombok.jar (or some such nonsense). Finally, I just selected my ${user.home}/.m2/repository/org/projectlombok/lombok/1.18...
I have been using intellij since I met him and I updated the latest version and lately I throw errors in Lombok does not recognize,Additionally I would like to comment if you have to explicitly import this part of the code if so in a real project configured you have to compile agai...
使用Maven 3.5,它完美地工作,无需添加任何额外的配置,只需将依赖性添加到Lombok中,并添加一些注释,如@Getter、@Setter。但是,如果我在IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2中打开这个项目,生成的getter/setter的所有用法都会被高亮显示为错误。我打开了注释处理,我尝试在IntelliJ中构建项目,或者在Maven中构建,然后在I 浏览0提问于2018...
插件下载:https://plugins.jetbrains.com/idea/plugin/3064-junitgenerator-v2-0 。安装如下图所示: 3、安装完成重启IDEA,即可使用。 修改JUnitGenerator V2.0的配置 1、自动生成测试代码和java类在同一包下,不匹配maven项目标准测试目录。 修改Output Path为:${SOURCEPATH}/../../test/java/${PACKAGE}/${FILE...
Describe the bug Compiling projects with Lombok in IntelliJ 2020.3 EAP (Build 203.4203.26) leads to: java: You aren't using a compiler supported by lombok, so lombok will not work and has been disabled. Your processor is: com.sun.proxy.$...
https://git.yuanlu.bid/yuanlu/yuanluServerDo/src/branch/bug-to-lombok Additional information This bug does not always appear. I have used it for a long time before, and the probability of occurrence is very small, but recently it has begun to appear with a high probability. ...
检查IntelliJ编译器设置中是否启用了Lombok注解处理。转到Settings -〉Build,Execution,Deployment -〉...
lombok插件,设置Enable Annotation Processing后依然报错解决 问题:解决方法一: File——>Setting——>Build,Execution,Deployment——>Compiler——>Annotation Processors中设置勾选 Enable Annotation Processing 即可解决方法二 Idea maven模块中pom.xml文件导包的时候不会自动提示 的解决 ...