Never write another getter or equals method again, with one annotation your class has a fully featured builder, Automate your logging variables, and much more. 下面在IntelliJ IDEA安装该插件。 点击“File->Settings->Pljugins”: Lombok安装-1.png 在右侧上方搜索框中输入lombok: Lombok安装-2.png 点...
点击“File->Settings->Pljugins”: 在右侧上方搜索框中输入lombok: 点击Search in repositories: 搜索结果中显示Lombok Plugin,选中,并点击右侧上方的“Install”按钮: 点击“Accept”: 即可进行安装,安装完成点击“Restart IntelliJ IDEA”,进行重启。 重启完成后只需在maven项目的pom文件中引入该包即可使用Lombok。
IntelliJ IDEA安装lombok插件 2728 Settings→Plugins→Browse repositories 输入lom后选择Install Plugin 按照提示重启IDEA 来自为知笔记(Wiz)
Compatibility issues with IntelliJ 2019.2 Fixed #637: Non-idempotent computation in Intellij 2019.2 Fixed #648: IDEA 2019.2 highlights builder() method invocation as an error 0.25 Fixed #406: Added delombok support for @UtilityClass Fixed #522: Added configuration option to disable annotation processin...
Could you please share logs folder zipped ( after restarting IDE and reproducing the issue? Looks like issue is related to local configuration, so we need to check current IDE setup and recorded...
Update Intellij Ultimate (already tried)Check dependency on pom.xml (its perfect and as i stated, its working on other machines)Invalidate caching (already tried multiple times)It really is frustrating and im about to give up on IntelliJ. Ive lost the entire day yesterday trying everythin...
<build> <pluginManagement> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> <version>${maven-compiler-plugin.version}</version> <configuration> <annotationProcessorPaths> <path> <groupId>org.projectlombok</groupId> <artifactId>lombok<...
Compatibility issues with IntelliJ 2019.2 Fixed #637: Non-idempotent computation in Intellij 2019.2 Fixed #648: IDEA 2019.2 highlights builder() method invocation as an error 0.25 Fixed #406: Added delombok support for @UtilityClass Fixed #522: Added configuration option to disable annotation processin...
Lombok does not have direct support for Intellij Idea, but you can install a plugin that adds support for Project Lombok. With this plugin, IntelliJ will recognize all generated code, so you get code completion. To install lombok plugin in Intellij Idea: ... Changed only in build.gradle: patchPluginXml { version artifactVersion pluginDescription(file(descriptionFile).text) changeNotes(file(changesFile).text) untilBuild(null) } seenukarthi...