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Find a tier list for every role, up to date to the Patch 25.06. Powered by the MOBAFire community.
LEAGUE OF LEGENDS PATCH 15.5 Every patch all League of Legends champions are graded for the LoLalytics LoL Tier List. The highest performing LoL champions are given an S tier while the remaining champions are ranked from A to D tier. LoL Tier List ranks are based upon champion win rate, ...
Sion- Adding Sion to the strongest when mastered list is somewhat of an interesting decision in my opinion. Understanding the top lane match-up intimately in solo queue is incredibly important. Some lanes are just not winnable without jungle assistance and means that Sion players must purposefully...
MinLane % MinGames MinPick % Patch 15.5 Ranked Solo/Duo GLOBAL Average Emerald+ Win Rate: 51.68% ?Emerald+ Champions Analysed: 11,792,815 ?LOL TIER LIST LEAGUE OF LEGENDS PATCH 15.5Every patch all League of Legends champions are graded for the LoLalytics LoL Tier List. The highest ...
Patch 14.7 Tier List Update Summary Buffs on heal supports this patch make getting healing reduction more necessary than ever before. Meanwhile, Rek'Sai top had her time in the spotlight and while she's still viable, she's nowhere near as busted as she was pre-nerf. ...
First up on the list we have Pantheon “The Unbreakable Spear”t”. Once upon a time Pantheon used to be the great top laner everyone feared but as the game got updated he fell off and now he's in the support role. He brought the terror with him down to bot lane. ...
Malphite, the rock-solid champion, predominantly played as a tank in the top lane has 6 available skins and 5 legacy skins. Here we have formed a list of all these skins ranking them from worst to best based on 4 attributes; general appearance, ability animations, SFX and recall animations...
League of Legends Mid Champion Tier List for Patch 14.21, the highest win rate champions to play in the Mid Lane.
top tier. Players that pick up Lee Sin will be able to pick up kills as early as level two. That means you will only need to do one camp before going into another lane and ganking. Additionally, your strong early game allows you to invade jungles and disrupt your opponent's first ...