Last but not least, we have the list of champions who are barely playable in the Arena. They require a lot of game knowledge and proper combination with your duo to come out on top while playing them. All images via Riot Games. Dot Esports is supported by our audience. When you purchas...
The best tower dive situation is when your laner is shoving in a wave whilst the enemy is low. Sneak up behind the target and make sure you attack first so that you get tower aggro. Your minions will also start attacking the enemy alongside your teammate. Tank the tower for as long as...
Fnatic’s return to the top of their region has been a struggle since G2 rose to prominence. That said, the black-and-orange contenders have been nothing but tenacious. Led by their midlaner […]G2 Esports vs T1 Recap – Worlds 2024 Swiss Stage Round 4 Day 2 October 11, 2024 | ...
First up on the list we have Pantheon “The Unbreakable Spear”t”. Once upon a time Pantheon used to be the great top laner everyone feared but as the game got updated he fell off and now he's in the support role. He brought the terror with him down to bot lane. The main point ...
:The kit that Lux has was always (at least on paper) something that screamed support. However, she was always more of a mid-laner as a result of her high mana costs and cooldowns. Ever since Riot started moving her directionally towards being a true support however, the dream that Lux ...
In Wild Rift, Renekton is a pretty decent top laner that can see success and is able to carry games in 1v5 scenarios. That makes him a solid contender for top tier, even if he's not in the S+ tier all the time. It's also worth noting that he's an easy-to-learn champion and ...
Not only that, but she provides nearby teammates the ability to simply be faster than enemy champions whether it is for running away or for chasing down. This combined with the ability for her shield to deny death and give an insanely strong damage buff cements her as a top tier support....
Top Lane Jeong “Impact” Eon-young will be FlyQuest's top laner for next year, according to LEC Wooloo. Almost a month after, it has finally been confirmed via an official FlyQuest announcement. Recently, Impact's previous organization Evil Geniuses already put out an announcement of his depa...
Keep in mind that at that time he was still a rookie mid-laner no one had known before. SKT T1 #2 did not win OLYMPUS Champions in Spring 2013 but Faker may as well have. He won the people's hearts and introduced whole a new playstyle to League of Legends. He was also about to...
This LoL champ is the third-most-played top laner in Patch 14.18, but can’t stop losing Hiding among the juggernauts of the top lane. Tyler Esguerra | Published: Sep 22, 2024 2:13 AM GMT+8 There are over 150 champions in League of Legends, but with how o...