League of Legends Mid Champion Tier List for Patch 14.21, the highest win rate champions to play in the Mid Lane.
数据类 OP.GG http://www.op.gg/champion/statistics LOL维基 https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/League_of_Legends_Wiki lolalytics https://lolalytics.com/ U.GG https://u.gg/lol/top-lane-tier-list 国服101 https://101.qq.com/#/page-index/tab-rank mobalytics.gg https://app.mobaly...
2.43% Play Rate 0.32% Ban Rate 1852 Matches Lux Top Synergy The 3 best Top Lane Synergy picks good with Lux are Kayle, Rumble, and Vayne. # Win Pick Game 1 58.33% 0.87% 84 2 58.93% 0.58% 56 3 56.43% 0.73% 70 4 60.71%
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LEAGUE OF LEGENDS PATCH 15.5 Every patch all League of Legends champions are graded for the LoLalytics LoL Tier List. The highest performing LoL champions are given an S tier while the remaining champions are ranked from A to D tier. LoL Tier List ranks are based upon champion win rate, ...
Tier Name Region Win Games Lanes 1 CH MarQ#EUNE eune 63.64% 66 x 66 x 1 2 GM Grasshøpper#EUW euw 55.63% 302 x 286 x 12 x 3 x 1 3 GM yanbai#yex kr 56.12% 98 x 80 x 10 x 8 4 M 세과할#KR1 kr 53.91% 499 ...
I learned that LPL was a lot more fun to watch while watching LCK and Papasmithy was casting and he did a lot of LPL casting at the time too and he was talking about the differences in regions and he was talking about top lane and if the laner warded and saw the jungler coming in ...
through macro game-play as a result of his ability to nearly solo baron and down structures faster than full teams can push. His counterstrike also gives him the ability to block a variety of melee enhanced auto-attacks, giving him excellent outplay potential given the melee heavy top lane ...
Take breaks, maintain a positive attitude and stop when overly frustrated Learn from the professionals and regularly watch top tier events Those are our Tips and Tricks forLeague of Legends!We hope you find that helpful to both increasing your rank and appreciation for the esport too....