Therefore, it’s hardly a surprise for us to see him excel in the Arena. His full AD build with aggressive outlets can quickly turn the Outlaw into a perilous champion that’s almost too strong to be true. Vel’Koz, the Eye of the Void Best duo: Shyvana, Kayle, Shaco Prismatic: ...
For those of you who don’t know (shame on you!), League of Legends (LoL) is the bestest (I know, I know, that’s technically not a word but in this case, it is—don’t argue) multiplayer online battle arena game in THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE. And no, my mind cannot be changed, and...
League of Legends patch 14.6 has only just launched this week but eyes are already turning towards the next League patch, 14.7, scheduled to release on the first week of April. This next patch is set to be huge in scope regarding the upcoming changes to Summoner's Rift. The headliner ...
51.54% Win Rate 1.57% Play Rate 0.22% Ban Rate 1172 Matches Gwen Jungle Synergy The 3 best Jungle Synergy picks good with Gwen are Xin Zhao, Kayn, and Shaco. # Win Pick Game 1 58.33% 1.28% 78 2 59.38% 1.05% 64 3 58.33%
Arena ROTATION DES CHAMPIONS GRATUITS Nous avons mis à disposition 31 champions gratuitement pour Arena. Ils sont disponibles pour tous les joueurs dans l'optique de créer une expérience plus variée. Nous espérons qu'ainsi, vous et vos amis pourrez avoir accès à votre champion préféré...