2.43% Play Rate 0.32% Ban Rate 1852 Matches Lux Top Synergy The 3 best Top Lane Synergy picks good with Lux are Kayle, Rumble, and Vayne. # Win Pick Game 1 58.33% 0.87% 84 2 58.93% 0.58% 56 3 56.43% 0.73% 70 4 60.71%
Therefore, it’s hardly a surprise for us to see him excel in the Arena. His full AD build with aggressive outlets can quickly turn the Outlaw into a perilous champion that’s almost too strong to be true. Vel’Koz, the Eye of the Void Best duo: Shyvana, Kayle, Shaco Prismatic: ...
Kayle Renekton Trundle Vladimir Warwick SS-Tier: Attacks, Skills, and Strategies Tahm Kench ( BEST PICK) As the Demon King of the River, Tahm Kench is known far and wide for his unquenchable thirst for other’s misery. A single flick from his unforgiving tongue renders even the most heavily...
they likely will have a similar amount of skins coming in 2024 as well. Riot also added in some new skin types like the Mythic Variants, which also count as new skins, but these are meant to be rare so we don't expect there to be too many of these released in 2024. ...
Mana issues - look at your build. Eventually won, zero co-ordination but eh, what do you expect. Kayle next - Don't like her move animation. Stun sucks. Die in seconds. Hmm this flame sword thing procs on swing..need to up attack speed. Why does everyone have xx_xx o...
You see you can build this rat however you wish. AP or AD the world is your oyster. Although his AP side is really strong. But thanks to some items buffs and a huge buff to “Lethal Tempo” AD can also be really useful and deadly if you know what you’re doing. You see this ra...