Kayn Sivir Lulu Pyke Taliyah Senna Gwen Zyra Mordekaiser Olaf These champions are still incredible in teamfights and can greatly benefit from plenty of Augments in Arena. Besides that, you’ll find tons of versatility among these champions, from squishy yet powerful AD carries, mages, and support...
Gwen Jungle Synergy The 3 best Jungle Synergy picks good with Gwen are Xin Zhao, Kayn, and Shaco. # Win Pick Game 1 58.33% 1.28% 78 2 59.38% 1.05% 64 3 58.33% 1.09% 66 4 53.23% 2.04% 124 5 58.33% 0.79% 48 6 55.77%
-99 Xin Zhao WR52.59% 58 games + 2% GD@15 -107 Elise WR48.53% 34 games GD@15 -119 Kayn WR55.56% 72 games GD@15 -137 Master Yi WR52.78% 54 games + 2% GD@15 -198 Brand WR53.13% 64 games + 9% + 21% GD@15 -237
Your game-plan is to build a strong board in the early stages of the game and deal a lot of damage to your opponent in the mid-game Try to protect your minions with cheap removal and weapons Altruis the Outcast, Kayn Sunfury and Metamorphosis can provide you with lots of burst damage. ...
Kayn 288 games + 7% + 2% + 1% WR 49.65% Jarvan IV 228 games + 10% + 8% + 2% WR 49.56% Rek'Sai 180 games + 7% + 6% + 2% WR 49.44% Sylas 78 games + 5% WR 49.36% Rammus 66 games + 4% WR 49.24% Elise 122 games
Kayn WR52.27% 88 games GD@15 496 Amumu WR57.50% 40 games GD@15 466 Volibear WR52.78% 54 games GD@15 344 Lillia WR51.63% 184 games + 4% + 5% + 5% GD@15 298 Vi WR54.31% 58 games GD@15 261 Nidalee WR51.84% 190 games