datasets.load_dataset()是Hugging Face提供的读取数据的函数,使用个人数据时需要将脚本文件路径作为参数传入函数,无需再传入其他参数。如下图所示: 数据脚本调用方法 执行完毕后,结果如下图: 运行脚本 然后根据实际使用需要切分数据,如data["train"][0],data["train"]["image"]... Lite版本 Lite版本是读取训练...
The minimal working example to load theHuggingface SQuAD v2dataset using fromdatasetsimportload_dataset dataset_squad_v2 = load_dataset("squad_v2") does not work on my Ubuntu 22 machine withPython 3.9due to a KeyError(). It does work, however, withPython 3.10. lib/python3...
squad_it_dataset = load_dataset("json", data_files=data_files, field="data") # 这里为什么指定field='data'呢,是因为这里Json文件格式的是嵌套的,data这个对应是文件的数据; # 如果你是一行一行的数据,无需指定field,直接读入就可以; #如果是加载huggingface上的数据集,则会更加的方便 datasets = load_d...
4 Huggingface datasets storing and loading image data 0 KeyError: "marketplace" while downloading "amazon_us_reviews" dataset - huggingface datasets 0 Huggingface datasets ValueError 0 FileNotFoundError when loading SQuAD dataset with datasets library 6 How to load a huggingface dataset from l...
通过文档我们看到了一些主要方法。 第一个是数据集的列表,可以看到HuggingFace提供了 3500 个可用数据集 from datasets import list_datasets, load_dataset, list_metrics, load_metric # Print all the available datasets print(list_datasets()) 要实际使用数据集时可以使用 load_dataset 方法进行加载 ...
对于NLP 爱好者来说HuggingFace肯定不会陌生,因为现在几乎一提到NLP就会有HuggingFace的名字出现,HuggingFace...
Which also appears to be file lock related! I resolved this by navigating to my ~/.cache/huggingface/datasets directory and wiping out anything to do with the squad dataset in *.lock files. Now I get: from datasets import load_dataset ...
I have about 20000 images in my folder which divided into 4 folders with class names. When i use load_dataset("my_folder_name", split="train") this function create dataset in which there are only 4 images, the remaining 19000 images were...