断点角点:(可以理解为物体的边缘到远处的扫描点 )根据当前点与左右附近点的距离判断,断点阈值0.1; 并且有一边的点是平面; 点与点之间没有太远; 最远点距离不超过深度值的二十分之一; 当前点和最远点合成的平面 和当前点向量的夹角,夹角 37度到 143度; 其他的livox 项目特征提取也是大同小异的,看懂了这个基...
Livox_mapping Livox_mapping是Livox LiDAR的映射包。 该软件包当前包含低速映射的基本功能。 一些关键问题: 支持多个livox激光雷达; 不同特征提取; 对于较小的FOV情况,请删除里程表; 在开发包时,我们引用LOAM,LOAM_NOTED。 1.先决条件 1.1 Ubuntu和ROS Ubuntu 64位16.04或18.04。 ROS动力学或旋律。 1.2。 PCL ...
I am not sure where I went wrong with the installtion of the Mapping software from this guide https://github.com/Livox-SDK/livox_mapping Everything seems to have been install correctly but when I launch the rivz viwer with the lidar (Mid 40) it looks the same as with on the Livox vi...
for me it was mapping_horizon.launch change line 9 from Copy the code to: Copy the code Or where ever you would like to store it. Reply Use props Report wzy012 4Threads 13Posts 56Credits Pre-School Credits 56 Send message Author| Posted on 2021-5-25 21:27:32| All floors 3dmap...
Repository files navigation README MIT license Livox_Mapping Lidar Mapping using Lidar, GPS and IMU To build project: cmake -B build . make -C build -j $(nproc) Run binaries: build/lvx_recorder build/lvx_to_lasAbout Lidar Mapping using Lidar, GPS and IMU Resources Readme License MIT...
To demonstrate the great potential of Livox LiDARs in 3D mapping, this showcase how they can be integrated into a drone to accomplish mapping tasks. As a test, the 3km-long Huizhou Bay Bridge, located in Huizhou, Guangdong, China was mapped. ...
First, set a path to save the point cloud in the livox_mapping.launch file. Modify the extrinsic parameters in livox_mapping_case.cpp if your coordinates are different from ours. Modify the lidar_delta_time in livox_mapping_case.cpp if your LiDAR data frequency is not 100Hz.; 3.3.1 On...
First, set a path to save the point cloud in the livox_mapping.launch file. Modify the extrinsic parameters in livox_mapping_case.cpp if your coordinates are different from ours. Modify the lidar_delta_time in livox_mapping_case.cpp if your LiDAR data frequency is not 100Hz.; 3.3.1 Onli...
To demonstrate the enormous potential of Livox LiDAR products in mobile 3D mapping, the Mechatronic and Robotic Systems (MaRS) laboratory ( http://web.hku.hk/~fuzhang ) in the University of Hong Kong (HKU) has developed a LiDAR odometry and mapping (LOAM