【摘要】 相机和livox激光雷达外参标定:ROS功能包---livox_camera_lidar_calibration 使用方法 livox_camera_lidar_calibration 功能包介绍... 相机和livox激光雷达外参标定:ROS功能包---livox_camera_lidar_calibration 使用方法 livox_camera_lidar_calibration 功能包介绍 使用步骤 采集数据 连接雷达检查标定板角点是否...
功能包名称:livox_camera_lidar_calibration 功能包使用环境: Ubuntu 64-bit 16.04 功能包功能简介: 本方案提供了一个手动校准Livox雷达和相机之间外参的方法,已经在Mid-40,Horizon和Tele-15上进行了验证。其中包含了计算相机内参,获得标定数据,优化计算外参和雷达相机融合应用相关的代码。本方案中使用了标定板角点作为...
Camera-LiDAR-Calibration Manual This solution provides a method for manually calibrating the extrinsic parameters between Livox LiDAR and camera, which has been verified on series Mid-40, Horizon and Tele-15. It includes the calibration of camera intrinsic parameters, obtaining of calibration data, th...
git clone https://github.com/Livox-SDK/livox_camera_lidar_calibration.git cd camera_lidar_calibration catkin_make source devel/setup.bash 1.4 程序节点概括 此项目包括如下节点: cameraCalib - 标定相机内参 pcdTransfer - 将雷达点云rosbag转换成PCD文件 ...
the board corners are used as calibration targets. Thanks to the non-repetitive scanning characteristics of Livox LiDAR, we can find the accurate position of corner in high density point cloud more easily. At the same time, we can get a better calibration result and a better LiDAR camera ...
功能包名称:livox_camera_lidar_calibration 功能包使用环境: Ubuntu 64-bit 16.04 使用步骤 采集数据 连接雷达检查标定板角点是否在点云中 输入点云可视化的命令查看点云 roslaunch livox_ros_driver livox_lidar_rviz.launch 这样就在rviz中显示了点云
功能包名称:livox_camera_lidar_calibration 功能包使用环境: Ubuntu 64-bit 16.04 功能包功能简介: 本方案提供了一个手动校准Livox雷达和相机之间外参的方法,已经在Mid-40,Horizon和Tele-15上进行了验证。其中包含了计算相机内参,获得标定数据,优化计算外参和雷达相机融合应用相关的代码。本方案中使用了标定板角点作为...
roslaunch livox_camera_calib calib.launch You will get the following result. (Sensor suite: Livox Avia + Realsense-D435i) An example of single scene calibration. 3.2 Multi scenes calibration DownloadOur pcd and iamge fileto your local path, and then change the file path inmulti_calib.yamlto...
Camera-LiDAR-Calibration Manual This solution provides a method for manually calibrating the extrinsic parameters between Livox LiDAR and camera, which has been verified on series Mid-40, Horizon and Tele-15. It includes the calibration of camera intrinsic parameters, obtaining of calibration data, th...