For example, a system that relies on oral ligand drugs to control IL-12 expression can significantly reduce toxicity induced by IL-12, but it cannot effectively transduce tumor cells and is lack of simultaneously induced inflammatory responses, which limit the anti-tumor application of this method...
DCs, Treg cells, Tact cells subset Removal of extracellular ATP by ectozyme, immune response support to anti-inflammatory conditions CD40 Bp50,TNFRSF5 48kDa B cells,mono,mac,FDC, endoth, T cell subset B cell differentiation/co-stimulation. isotype switching, rescues B cells from apoptosis CD...
DCs, Treg cells, Tact cells subset Removal of extracellular ATP by ectozyme, immune response support to anti-inflammatory conditions CD40 Bp50,TNFRSF5 48kDa B cells,mono,mac,FDC, endoth, T cell subset B cell differentiation/co-stimulation. isotype switching, rescues B cells from apoptosis CD...