Repository files navigation README Traffic Prediction Paper Collection In the paper collection, we collected traffic prediction papers published in the recent years (2016-2021) on 13 top conferences and journals, namely, AAAI, IJCAI, KDD, CIKM, ICDM, WWW, NIPS, ICLR, ICML, ICDE, SIGSPATIAL, IE...
1.先将配置文件下载到本地 wget -p~/emby2Alist&&tar -xzvf ./emby2Alist.tar.gz -C~/emby2Alist&&cd~/emby2Alist 此时文件结构如下: ~/emby2Alist ├── docker | ├── docker-comp...
Before deploying other services, tarslog must be migrated and deployed on non framework nodes cn 安装时 web/files 目录下, 存储了框架服务的安装包, 便于框架服务的更新和安装 修复自动安装节点的 bug 安装节点时, 增加判断 tarsnode.tgz 是否存在 增加严格模式(webConf.strict=true or 环境变量 TARS_WEB_...
我正在试图找出我的list.txt上的文件夹是否真的存在于myFiles中的磁盘上。但是我得到的唯一输出是“没有找到匹配”,这是bs,因为我知道其中一些文件夹是真实的。这个命令find myFiles/ -name $fileList -printf '%f\n'切断了文件夹的路径,因此,我只能得到folder_1,所以/home/michael/myFiles/文件夹List.txt的内...
AP kernel can now dump crash files. "debug ntp state" allows to debug NTP synchronization on APs along with "show ntp logs" Dublin - 17.10.1 Downloadable ACL (dACL) support for central switched deployments. No support for dACLs in Flexconnect deployment or on E...
首先上错误代码 public static final MapList> PLAYER_HOME = new Hashtable(); public static...PLAYER_HOME.containsKey(player.getName())) { PLAYER_HOME.put(player.getName(), List.of(new...) { return false; } } PLAYER_HOME.get(player.getName()).add...HomeFiles.saveHomeData(); return...
我们经常会遇到将第三方库文件复制到项目运行时文件夹,或者将子项目生成的库文件复制到项目运行时文件夹的情况,本文介绍FILE-COPY、add_custom_command、ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET三种方法及CMake COMMAND提供的命令说明。 一、 FILE-COPY file(<COPY|INSTALL> <files>... DESTINATION [FILE_...
cp Copy files/folders from the containers filesystem to the host path #从容器中拷贝指定文件或者目录到宿主机中 create Create a new container # 创建一个新的容器,同 run,但不启动容器 diff Inspect changes on a container's filesystem # 查看 docker 容器变化 ...
data produced by │ gcc -ftest-coverage.bbl│ BibTeX output.bdf│ X font file.bib│ TeX bibliographic database, BibTeX│ bitmap source.bmp│ bitmap.bz2│ file compressed usingbzip2(1).c│ C│ message catalog│ C++│ configuration file.cfg│ ...
We are working on a pretty large project which has more than 3000 files. After compiling , the project has more than 700 xxx.o products. When the