现在我们可以使用以下命令来安装这个库: pipinstall/path/to/example_library 1. 安装完成后,我们就可以在Python代码中引入这个库并使用它了: importexample_library# 使用example_library的功能 1. 2. 3. 旅程图 Download and Extract Tar File Download Tar File Extract Tar File Install Library Install Library ...
Use unpack to unzip your tar.gz file. For example, running the following command will extract the “maketecheasier.tar.gz” file on my “Downloads” folder: unpack/home/$USER/Downloads/maketecheasier.tar.gz Good to know:you can save more disk space in Linux byenabling TRIM for your SSD...
解压:unzip FileName.zip 压缩:zip FileName.zip DirName --- .rar 解压:rar a FileName.rar 压缩:rar e FileName.rar rar请到:http://www.rarsoft.com/download.htm下载! 解压后请将rar_static拷贝到/usr/bin目录(其他由$PATH环境变量指定的目录也可以): [root@www2 tmp]# cp rar_static /usr/bin/...
The page already has an example model loaded, so you can run it by clicking Run. You can also: select another example using the Load Example button modify the amod code in the editor Save the amod code to a file Load the amod code from a file choose which frameworks to run under ...
To extracttar.bz2files fromstdin, such as through piping, add the-joption to the extraction command. For example, when downloading atar.bz2file from an online resource with thewget command, pipe thetarcommand to extract the downloaded file: ...
For example:share -F nfs -o ro /SunManagementCenter Save and close/etc/dfs/dfstab. Start the Network File System daemonmountd: /SunManagementCenter#/etc/init.d/nfs.server start The Sun Management Center 3.6.1 image directory is now accessible from other machines. ...
You can use ugrep options with the :grep command, for example to select single- and multi-line comments in the current file::grep -f c++/comments % Only the first line of a multi-line comment is shown in quickfix, to save space. To show all lines of a multi-line match, remove %...
Example Production #2 amod Processing Reference Contributing Overview gactartakes anamodfileand generates code to run it on three different ACT-R implementations: pyactr(Python) python_actr(Python) - a.k.a.ccm ACT-R(Lisp) - a.k.a.vanilla ...
ssh user@example.com "cd /path/to/resource && tar czf - resource1 resource2" | tar xzvf -我知道这些错误: tar:这看起来不像tar存档 浏览0提问于2019-02-22得票数 1 2回答 在ubuntu14.04中安装JDK8 、、、 我想开始用java编程,我使用的是ubuntu14.04,我下载了 任何人帮助我输入所有的JDK. 浏览4提...
tar.t({file:'my-tarball.tgz',onReadEntry:entry=>{..dowhateverwithit..}}) For example, to just get the list of filenames from an archive: constgetEntryFilenames=asynctarballFilename=>{constfilenames=[]awaittar.t({file:tarballFilename,onReadEntry:entry=>filenames.push(entry.path),}...