在前面的工作中,我们成功使用了gmapping +move_base实现自主导航,并且成功在仿真环境中运行了lio sam,今天打算结合,采用LIO-SAM建图和定位,move_base实现导航。大致内容如下: 仿真环境准备 在之前的内容中,已经介绍了仿真实验环境怎么搭建,具体可以参考链接: htt
goldqiu:二.路径规划---二维路径规划实车实现---gmapping+amcl+map_server+move_base Global Localization goldqiu:一.全局定位--开源定位框架LIO-SAM_based_relocalization实录数据集测试 goldqiu:二.全局定位--开源定位框架livox-relocalization实录数据集测试 测试流程: 先进行磁力计的标定 起始点静止一段时间保存数...
使用方法: 1.直接使用Ros的Move_base等方式。 2. 导航代码中订阅/map消息, (data部分为一维数组,根据height和width可恢复地图图像。-1为未知,0~100依次增加表示被占据概率增大) 3D-SLAM:基于hybridGrid,译为混合概率地图,我理解为3D栅格地图。 明确:RViz 仅显示3D混合概率网格的2D 投影(以灰度形式)。该地图难...
而publish_tf默认为true。 第三,发布地图信息。该部分用到的功能包是map_server,在之前安装navigation的时候已经被安装过了。启动的命令是 rosrun map_server map_server mymap.yaml 1. mymap.yaml是编写的地图载入的参数文件,前面可以加入地址,如 rosrun map_server map_server /home/tete/movebase/test1.yaml...
Zigzag or jerking behavior: if your lidar and IMU data formats are consistent with the requirement of LIO-SAM, this problem is likely caused by un-synced timestamp of lidar and IMU data. Jumpping up and down: if you start testing your bag file and the base_link starts to jump up and...
Topic: /move_base_simple/goal - Class: rviz/PublishPoint Single click: true Topic: /clicked_point Value: true Views: Current: Class: rviz/Orbit Distance: 316.5472106933594 Enable Stereo Rendering: Stereo Eye Separation: 0.05999999865889549 Stereo Focal Distance: 1 Swap Stereo Eyes: false Value: fa...
lio_sam: # Topics pointCloudTopic: "points_raw" # Point cloud data imuTopic: "imu_raw" # IMU data odomTopic: "odometry/imu" # IMU pre-preintegration odometry, same frequency as IMU gpsTopic: "odometry/gps" # GPS odometry topic from navsat, see module_navsat.launch file # Frames lidar...
Maybe I have solved this problem. I try to adjust LIO_SAM system with 6-axis imu before, such as stim300, it works very well. When I use the senor combination of Pandar xT32 and BMI085(6-axis MEMS), I faced many problems. As the below pi...
Has not managed to get enough support to move to GitHub yet. No subcommands. Produces wrapped values. Cxxopts C++11, single file, and nice CMake support, but requires regex, therefore GCC 4.8 (CentOS 7 default) does not work. Syntax closely based on Boost PO, so not ideal but familiar...
status = SAM_STAT_GOOD; Expand All @@ -331,6 +336,7 @@ static void iblock_bio_done(struct bio *bio) { struct se_cmd *cmd = bio->bi_private; struct iblock_req *ibr = cmd->priv; blk_status_t blk_status = bio->bi_status; if (bio->bi_status) { pr_err("bio error: %p...