For over 10 years, the Social Sales Link team has provided expert Social Selling coaching and training to individuals and teams across all skill levels. Want to update your LinkedIn profile, learn to connect with your target audience, or develop a time efficient routine to move your sales forwa...
LinkedIn Profile Tips for Sales Reps If you’re looking to join the ranks of elite social sellers, LinkedIn needs to become a fully integrated part of your sales outreach strategy. With social selling, the emphasis is less on how nice your profile picture looks and more about how you engage...
Build a professional LinkedIn profile and become the one of 87% of job seekers who get hired through LinkedIn! Get a perfect social profile with Skillroads
Engage with other professionals’ posts and articles by leaving thoughtful comments. You never know: A LinkedIn comment thread could catalyze a new, meaningful business connection. 7. Provide regular updates Regularly update your profile to reflect your latest achievements, new skills, and career ...
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Sales professionals who blog or use social media for business purposes should include a link to their LinkedIn profile on the contact or about page, or and also in the biography section of other relevant social profiles. Recruit 3rd Party Testimony to Spark Buyer Intere...
LinkedIn Summary Examples for Reps 1. The “I Feel Your Pain” Summary The most successful representatives know that sales isn’t about them — it’s about the prospect. When it comes to your summary, this principle is especially relevant. Remember, people aren’t reading your profile to lea...
As a LinkedIn Profile Writer, I can turn your boring LinkedIn profile into an AMAZING & POWERFUL LinkedIn profile that will get you noticed & hired!
19. Use Keywords and Sales Spotlights Use keywords in your filtered searches, such as relevant words that you’re looking for in your ideal customer’s profile. Then, in the “Sales Spotlight” at the top of your search results, narrow down your leads even more. ...
First, you need to understand who your target audience is to create an Ideal Customer Profile. Once that’s done, you can perform a wide and advanced query on Sales Navigator. Your exploration should include role and function. In the image below you can see I used ‘Sales’ for their rol...