Genetic variations and linkage disequilibrium block analysis on chromosome 15q14-22.1 for T2D candidate region in the Japanese populationBackgroundThe region encompassed by chromosome 15q14-22.1 has been linked to type 2diabetes (T2D) and its related traits in Japanese and other populations. Linkage...
Linkage disequilibrium (LD), which refers to nonrandom association of alleles(等位基因的非随机性组合) at different loci(位点;基因座)。 LD指等位基因在不同位点(或基因座)的的非随机性组合。Block:阻滞 linkage diseqquilibrium block:等位基因在不同基因座的非随机性组合障碍 因为对这方面不...
All populations shared two linkage disequilibrium blocks, with one haplotype-tag SNP (htSNP) tagging each block. The htSNP g.8592931G-->C was found to have a significant negative correlation with the cephalic index for all populations (R = -0.187, p = 0.036), with larger correlations in...
GWAS会漏掉很多点,所以才会有fine-mapping,根据haplotype来做一些imputation。 Linkage disequilibrium (LD)连锁不平衡:不同基因座位的各等位基因在人群中以一定的频率出现。在某一群体中,不同座位某两个等位基因出现在同一条染色体上的频率高于预期的随机频率的现象。(就是孟德尔的分离不是随机的,在染色体上越靠近的all...
Several plant species have substantial haplotype block structures, particularly those produced by self-pollinating or vegetative cloning [146]. The frequency and size of haplotypes can be influenced by inbreeding, linkage disequilibrium, meiotic recombination, genetic drift, and population bottlenecks [91]...
common analysis, such as LD decay and LD block, is supported in the LDkit. In some situations, we are also interested in verifying whether a single variant is in linkage disequilibrium to the other or not, but no tool is available currently, which is accommodated as LD site in the LD...
a parallel computing toolkit for linkage disequilibrium analysis Contact: You Tang( Yao Zhou Contents Pre-requirement back to top JDK1.8 or above. It can be downloaded at: ...
Background Linkage disequilibrium (LD) analysis is broadly utilized in genetics to understand the evolutionary and demographic history and helps geneticists identify genes associated with interested inherited traits, such as diseases. There are some tools for linkage disequilibrium analysis either in a loca...
We have developed an advanced tool to perform linkage disequilibrium analysis, and genetic association analysis between disease and SNPs/haplotypes in an integrated web interface. It comprises of four main analysis modules: (i) data import and preprocessing, (ii) haplotype estimation, (iii) LD bloc...